Requested Demos for Monday, Feb12 at 10:00am

Last read

Sun Apr 28 00:43

Day & Date of demo : Monday Feb12
Time & Room# : 10:00am 2.48
Prof & Course: yao 317k


[___] [___] [___] 1K20.35 Friction: Angle of Repose
[___] [___] [___] 1M10.20 Work and Energy: Pile Driver
[___] [___] [___] 1R10.10 Hooke's Law: Stretching a Spring(Same demos for the 11 am class. )

Requesting prof/course: yao/317k
Reservation time: Sun Feb 11 10:00:14

Day & Date of demo : Monday Feb12
Time & Room# : 10:00am 2.48
Prof & Course: yao 317k


[___] [___] [___] 1K20.35 Friction: Angle of Repose
[___] [___] [___] 1M10.20 Work and Energy: Pile Driver
[___] [___] [___] 1R10.10 Hooke's Law: Stretching a Spring(Same demos for the 11 am class. )

Requesting prof/course: yao/317k
Reservation time: Sun Feb 11 10:00:14

Day & Date of demo : Monday Feb12
Time & Room# : 10:00am 2.48
Prof & Course: yao 317k


[___] [___] [___] 1K20.35 Friction: Angle of Repose
[___] [___] [___] 1M10.20 Work and Energy: Pile Driver
[___] [___] [___] 1R10.10 Hooke's Law: Stretching a Spring(Same demos for the 11 am class. )

Requesting prof/course: yao/317k
Reservation time: Sun Feb 11 10:00:14

Day & Date of demo : Monday Feb12
Time & Room# : 10:00am 2.48
Prof & Course: yao 317k


[___] [___] [___] 1K20.35 Friction: Angle of Repose
[___] [___] [___] 1M10.20 Work and Energy: Pile Driver
[___] [___] [___] 1R10.10 Hooke's Law: Stretching a Spring(Same demos for the 11 am class. )

Requesting prof/course: yao/317k
Reservation time: Sun Feb 11 10:00:14

Day & Date of demo : Monday Feb12
Time & Room# : 10:00am 2.48
Prof & Course: yao 317k


[___] [___] [___] 1K20.35 Friction: Angle of Repose
[___] [___] [___] 1M10.20 Work and Energy: Pile Driver
[___] [___] [___] 1R10.10 Hooke's Law: Stretching a Spring(Same demos for the 11 am class. )

Requesting prof/course: yao/317k
Reservation time: Sun Feb 11 10:00:14

Day & Date of demo : Monday Feb12
Time & Room# : 10:00am 2.48
Prof & Course: yao 317k


[___] [___] [___] 1K20.35 Friction: Angle of Repose
[___] [___] [___] 1M10.20 Work and Energy: Pile Driver
[___] [___] [___] 1R10.10 Hooke's Law: Stretching a Spring(Same demos for the 11 am class. )

Requesting prof/course: yao/317k
Reservation time: Sun Feb 11 10:00:14

Day & Date of demo : Monday Feb12
Time & Room# : 10:00am 2.48
Prof & Course: yao 317k


[___] [___] [___] 1K20.35 Friction: Angle of Repose
[___] [___] [___] 1M10.20 Work and Energy: Pile Driver
[___] [___] [___] 1R10.10 Hooke's Law: Stretching a Spring(Same demos for the 11 am class. )

Requesting prof/course: yao/317k
Reservation time: Sun Feb 11 10:00:14

Day & Date of demo : Monday Feb12
Time & Room# : 10:00am 2.48
Prof & Course: yao 317k


[___] [___] [___] 1K20.35 Friction: Angle of Repose
[___] [___] [___] 1M10.20 Work and Energy: Pile Driver
[___] [___] [___] 1R10.10 Hooke's Law: Stretching a Spring(Same demos for the 11 am class. )

Requesting prof/course: yao/317k
Reservation time: Sun Feb 11 10:00:14

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