Requested Demos for Monday, Jan29 at 1:00pm

Last read

Mon Apr 29 07:30

Day & Date of demo : Monday Jan29
Time & Room# : 1:00pm 2.48
Prof & Course: yeazell 302k


[___] [___] [___] 1F10.20 Measuring Inertia: Lead and Styrofoam Bricks
[___] [___] [___] 1G10.40 Force, Mass, and Acceleration: Atwood's Machine

Requesting prof/course: yeazell/302k
Reservation time: Fri Jan 26 15:44:20

Day & Date of demo : Monday Jan29
Time & Room# : 1:00pm 2.48
Prof & Course: yeazell 302k


[___] [___] [___] 1F10.20 Measuring Inertia: Lead and Styrofoam Bricks
[___] [___] [___] 1G10.40 Force, Mass, and Acceleration: Atwood's Machine

Requesting prof/course: yeazell/302k
Reservation time: Fri Jan 26 15:44:20

Day & Date of demo : Monday Jan29
Time & Room# : 1:00pm 2.48
Prof & Course: yeazell 302k


[___] [___] [___] 1F10.20 Measuring Inertia: Lead and Styrofoam Bricks
[___] [___] [___] 1G10.40 Force, Mass, and Acceleration: Atwood's Machine

Requesting prof/course: yeazell/302k
Reservation time: Fri Jan 26 15:44:20

Day & Date of demo : Monday Jan29
Time & Room# : 1:00pm 2.48
Prof & Course: yeazell 302k


[___] [___] [___] 1F10.20 Measuring Inertia: Lead and Styrofoam Bricks
[___] [___] [___] 1G10.40 Force, Mass, and Acceleration: Atwood's Machine

Requesting prof/course: yeazell/302k
Reservation time: Fri Jan 26 15:44:20

Day & Date of demo : Monday Jan29
Time & Room# : 1:00pm 2.48
Prof & Course: yeazell 302k


[___] [___] [___] 1F10.20 Measuring Inertia: Lead and Styrofoam Bricks
[___] [___] [___] 1G10.40 Force, Mass, and Acceleration: Atwood's Machine

Requesting prof/course: yeazell/302k
Reservation time: Fri Jan 26 15:44:20

Day & Date of demo : Monday Jan29
Time & Room# : 1:00pm 2.48
Prof & Course: yeazell 302k


[___] [___] [___] 1F10.20 Measuring Inertia: Lead and Styrofoam Bricks
[___] [___] [___] 1G10.40 Force, Mass, and Acceleration: Atwood's Machine

Requesting prof/course: yeazell/302k
Reservation time: Fri Jan 26 15:44:20

Day & Date of demo : Monday Jan29
Time & Room# : 1:00pm 2.48
Prof & Course: yeazell 302k


[___] [___] [___] 1F10.20 Measuring Inertia: Lead and Styrofoam Bricks
[___] [___] [___] 1G10.40 Force, Mass, and Acceleration: Atwood's Machine

Requesting prof/course: yeazell/302k
Reservation time: Fri Jan 26 15:44:20

Day & Date of demo : Monday Jan29
Time & Room# : 1:00pm 2.48
Prof & Course: yeazell 302k


[___] [___] [___] 1F10.20 Measuring Inertia: Lead and Styrofoam Bricks
[___] [___] [___] 1G10.40 Force, Mass, and Acceleration: Atwood's Machine

Requesting prof/course: yeazell/302k
Reservation time: Fri Jan 26 15:44:20

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