PIRA 1D15.10 Velocity, Position, and Aceleration: Ultrasonic
Detector and Students
Photo shows demonstration used by the University of Texas at Austin.

Instructions / Notes:
- Demonstration as shown requires the use of a Lec-Demo computer cart, ultrasonic
detector and Pasco software.
- Important Note: Faculty member should be familiar with the Lec-Demo computer cart and this piece of software. Recommend: practice on the day before.
- The software in the classroom is already properly configured and initialized for the ultrasonic
motion detector.
- Overview: a student volunteer paces only about 4 meters and then turns around to walk
back towards the lectern. - Have the student in position before proceeding.
- The faculty member starts the motion detector by clicking once on the appropriate "START" icon at the top of the screen.
Photo shows demonstration used by the University of Texas at Austin.

- At this time, the student volunteer paces only about 4 meters and then turns around to walk
back towards the lectern.
- The "START" icon becomes a "STOP" icon when the motion detector is in operation. - Ultrasonic detector needs to be stopped before student returns to the lectern.
Practice Makes Perfect: Faculty members need to come by the demo office at least 30
minutes before the start of class to practice using
the software in our back prep room. Keep in mind once the bell rings for the class break, the demo
office staff are more than busy with their other duties.
Last Updated 2023 - University of Texas at Austin Physics Dept.
- All Rights Reserved.