Warning, this drawing contains a common error.  There are two kinds of vectors, and vector operators: polar and axial.  Parity changes the sign of polar vectors, but not of axial vectors!

Warning, this drawing might contain a common error.

Combined C and P

Warning, this drawing contains a common error.

Helicity--- h = 2S·p/(ℏp).

Intrinsic parity is something I usually have to look up in a table. However, some usages are obvious. For example, a "pseudoscalar" particle is one which has spin zero, but negative parity. [We would normally associate scalars with positive parity!] Hence, a 0 particle is called a pseudoscalar particle.

It was realized in 1957 that weak interactions are not P-symmetric, but PC was still thought to be a good symmetry. However, in 1964 it was found that neutral K (497.6 MeV) decays violate CP conservation. [See H & G, 9.6, 9.7, 9.8] However, this is so-called “indirect CP violation.” The observed K mesons are oscillating mixtures of the particle and antiparticle (CP eigenvalues -1 and +1) so that both -1 and +1 decays can be seen from the “same” particle. What physicists needed to see desperately was “direct CP violation,” in which a pure -1 state decays directly into a +1 state. Such decays are less than 1 in 106 and were seen for neutral kaons only in 1999. They were then seen for neutral B mesons (5.279 GeV) in 2001 and for neutral D mesons (1.864 GeV) in 2011.

Particle-antiparticle mixing diagram.

The incredible sensitivity of these experiments to the mass difference, found to astonishing precision!

Oscillation, in quantum physics, means amplitude swapping between two or more states.

A semi-sophisticated writeup on parity in quantum physics
Hyperphysics page on parity.
Chirality versus Helicity... chirality is basically a covariant formulation, within quantum field theory, generalizing the concept of helicity.
CPT Symmetry... history and discussion
The Search for Very Abstract and General Symmetries