Why does the physical world seem "solid" when it is made of pointlike fermions and rather abstract-seeming fields? Thanks to the Uncertainty Relation and the Pauli Principle, whenever a system of identical fermions is compressed, it resists compression with an enormous pressure. No two systems of identical fermions can be merged together; they bounce apart, their probability distributions are not allowed to overlap!
One of the most useful models in
all of physics: the Fermi Gas. It can be used for solids, heavy
atoms, atomic nuclei, neutron stars, white dwarf stars and even
nucleons themselves! Important result, used in the quasielastic
electron scattering from nucleus example:
Applying the Fermi Gas model to
atomic nuclei presents a remarkable picture: despite the strong
interaction between nucleons, a useful starting concept is that
the nucleons are basically "free" inside a central potential
with a depth of about 45 to 50 MeV! In other words in computing
scattering of a nucleon from a nucleus, an adequate treatment
would involve scattering of the incoming particle from a simple
central potential with about the same shape as the nuclear
matter density! This leads to the so-called Optical
Model for elastic scattering of nucleons and nuclei,
introduced circa 1950. Even more remarkable, this idea
leads to the picture of a nucleon in a nucleus interacting with
a central potential somehow generated by all the other nucleons
in combination, instead of a chaotic picture in which each
nucleon interacts with every other nucleon, leading to an
impossibly complex many-body problem! This simplification
results in the so-called "independent particle model," the basis
of nuclear physics since about 1950.
The Woods-Saxon potential is most often used; typically r0 is 1.2 fm and a is 0.65 fm. |
No!!!! |
Yes!! |
Why does the Fermi gas picture work so remarkably well? Consider interaction between two identical particles. It is improbable that the interaction should be so strong as to transfer one particle to a vacant state above EF, so the only likely possibilities are that the particles wind up in the same states, or exchange states. In the case of p interacting with n, the probability is that both wind up in the same states they started in, since exchange is not a possibility.
S. Chandrasekhar (1910 - 1995) was one of the most famous 20th Century astrophysicists, and a colleague and close friend of Enrico Fermi at the University of Chicago. He used the Fermi Gas model to understand why it is impossible for stars to be stable within certain mass ranges.
Extending the Fermi gas model to relativistic fermions makes it easy to understand why there are various mass limits for ordinary stars in astrophysics, and in particular why white dwarf stars must have low mass, what the mass limits for neutron stars are, and why black holes are an inevitable consequence of the collapse of stars beyond a certain critical mass. We will discuss such topics later in the course. Put simply, using K = pc leads to EF = ℏc[3π2ρ]1/3.