There are two features of the universe that are difficult to understand, if the early universe had expanded at a constant rate. (1) Flatness/Critical Density, and (2) Isotropy/Homogeneity. Each part of the universe very precisely has escape speed with respect to any other part. And parts of the universe which could never have been in causal contact appear essentially identical. In the period 1979 - 1990, an idea which solved these and other problems was fleshed out. The idea was that very early in its history, the entire universe underwent a phase transition which caused a huge expansion in size of the currently observable universe, during a very, very brief time interval.
Inflation could have occurred by a scalar field rolling down a potential energy hill. When the field rolls very slowly compared to the expansion of the Universe, inflation occurs. However, when the hill becomes steeper, inflation ends and reheating can occur. |
Simulated data show how the SPHEREx survey should be able to pen down the type of inflation that occurred. |