The pioneering efforts to understand the abundance of various nuclei in nature focused on very late stages of stellar evolution, culminating in supernova explosions when the star was sufficiently massive. Continued, more detailed observations over the past 65 years have led to a realization that many different processes have contributed to nucleosynthesis in our universe. Research is still ongoing and current results may change considerably as time goes on.
One of the important contributions of the original B2FH paper was a painstaking unraveling of the processes occurring in old stars, generating the nuclei beyond helium. [Known as "metals," to astrophysicists!]
A beautiful test of stellar evolution... in a globular cluster, all stars are the same age, so the HR diagram is a perfect snapshot of star status, as a function of initial mass. |
The “planetary nebula” is not only always beautiful, but a plentiful source of heavy atoms. |