If U|Ψ⟩ describes the same physical state as |Ψ⟩ and is normalized, U is a unitary symmetry satisfying [H,U] = 0 and U†U = UU† = 1. If F is an operator representing an observable, and we can write U(ε) = exp[±iFε], then F is said to be the generator of the transformation U. For example, the momentum operator p performs space translations, the angular momentum operator L performs space rotations, and the Hamiltonian operator H performs time translations. These are examples of Nöther's Theorem, that generators of space-time symmetries must correspond to conserved quantities. If we discover a conserved quantity experimentally, and it is not connected to a symmetry transformation, we might suspect that the quantity is “not really” conserved, but that we just haven't yet seen an example of its nonconservation!
Local gauge transformation: U = exp[iε(r,t)Q]. Here Q is the charge operator. This form of the transformation leads to charge conservation and the gauge invariance that the electromagnetic field must display. We do not know how to handle any fundamental force unless its coupling constant operator generates a local gauge transformation, and this is possible only if the bosons of the field are massless.
Heaviside |
Nöther |
Other conserved(?) quantities:
• Baryon number A.
• Lepton number L.
• Flavor numbers Le, Lμ, Lτ.
• Strangeness S. S = -(ns - nanti-s).
• Charm C. C = (nc - nanti-c).
• Topness or Truth. T = (nt - nanti-t).
• Bottomness or Beauty. B = (nb - nanti-b).
Strong interactions change color but nothing else, Electromagnetic interactions change nothing, and weak interactions always change flavor. Therefore weak interactions DO NOT CONSERVE flavor-related quantum numbers, such as the flavor L's or S, C, T and B. The discovery of this for S was the first example seen by physicists of a quantity that was conserved for some fundamental interactions but not others!
Strong process... flavors don't change, color does. About 10-23 sec. |
Electromagnetic process, nothing changes. |
Weak process, flavors change. (Note strong contribution!) 10-8 sec. |
Remember strong process lifetimes are typically 10-23 sec, electromagnetic processes are typically 10-17 sec, and weak processes are typically 10-10 sec, so the decay process involved is instantly evident from the observed lifetime.
• Hypercharge, Y = A + S + C + T + B = 2⟨(q/e)⟩.
Thus Y is a quantum number
equal to twice the average electric charge of a particle