Physics 341, Fall 2016
Prof. Manfred Fink
Syllabus in pdf
Course Description in pdf
Focal Points (in pdf)
Human Eye (in pdf)
Fraunhofer Lines (in pdf)
Human Eye 2 (in pdf)
Microscope (in pdf)
Microscope 2 (in pdf)
Rainbow (in pdf)
Forensic Toxicology (in pdf)
Wavelength (in pdf)
Timeline (in pdf)
Forensic Toxicology 2 (in pdf)
Pompeii (in pdf)
Vesuvius (in pdf)
Bones in Ancient Greek Shipwreck to Undergo DNA Analysis (external link)
JJ Thompson - the Cententary of His Discovery of the Election and His Invention of Mass Spectrometry (in pdf)
Blood Alcohol Levels (in pdf)
Earthquake Foreshock (in pdf)
Fritz the Iceman (in pdf)
Considering Copernicus (in pdf)
DNA Analysis (in pdf)
Amphetamine (in pdf)
Cocaine (in pdf)
Heroin (in pdf)
LSD (in pdf)
Methadone (in pdf)
Morphine (in pdf)
Quinine (in pdf)
Tetrahydrate (in pdf)
THC (in pdf)
Scientists uncover molecular changes underlying amphetamine and antidepressant action (in pdf)
Table 9.1 (in pdf)
Amino Acids page 1
Amino Acids page 2
Codon Sequences
12 October 2017
Dr. Fink's Homepage
Physics Department