The Wigner Medal was established in 1977/8 and was awarded for the first time at the Integrative Conference on Group Theory and Mathematical Physics (7th International Group Theory Colloquium 1978) to Eugene P. Wigner and Valentine Bargmann. The purpose of the Wigner Medal is to recognize outstanding contributions to the understanding of physics through group theory.
The Wigner Medal is administered by the Group Theory and Fundamental Physics Foundation, a publicly supported organization. Donations are tax deductible as provided in Section 170 of the Internal Revenue code. Bylaws of the Wigner Medal (pdf format) The Wigner Medal is awarded for "outstanding contributions to the understanding of physics through group theory." The awardee is chosen by an international selection committee whose members are elected by the Board of Trustees of the Foundation and by the Standing Committee of the International Group Theory Colloquium. The previous recipients of the Wigner Medal are:
1978 E. P. Wigner