The constellations of the zodiac are random patterns of stars, as viewed from our position on the far outskirts of our galaxy. The stars have nothing whatsoever in common other than being along roughly the same line of sight seen from earth. They vary tremendously in distance, brightness, spectral type, and in every other possible way. They have absolutely no connection to one another, or to anything on earth. The names given to the constellations are culturally dependent, and vary completely from one culture to another. The stars do not form patterns, the arrangements are in the eye of the beholder and have no significance astronomically or physically. In ancient calendar astronomy the zodiac was significant only because it formed a background for the apparent path of the sun, moon and planets visible to the unaided eye, across the sky, a band called the Ecliptic.
The actual planets are not
mystical fires in the sky manifesting the powers of the
ancient gods, they are worlds more or less like our own earth.
Our moon and our sun are of course not planets, and it is
interesting that astrologers never noticed the presence of the
planets Uranus and Neptune, and dwarf planet Pluto, much less
the larger asteroids, and the very large moons of the giant
planets, until they were discovered by astronomers! The
actual and real constituents of our solar system are largely
completely ignored by astrologers. Is there a large
planet or dwarf planet beyond Pluto? If so, why haven't
astrologers detected it thousands of years ago, as something
missing in the horoscope??
The Forer effect is most effective when there is a "ritual of personalization" before the (generic) personality reading is given. Astrologers became aware repeatedly over the past 1000 years, as astrology was gradually revived at the end of the Dark Ages, that something more specific than "birth month" was desperately needed. A newly invented House System solved that problem, by making use in some mumbo-jumbo way of the geographic location of birth. But it is not much of an exaggeration to say that each and every astrologer pretty much invented his or her own favorite House System!
Astrological lore has put forward
over the past 2000 years many different (about 50!) house
systems, and most astrologers are dimly aware of at least 20
completely different systems. The various systems differ most
often in how the axis of the slice system is oriented relative
to the ecliptic, the horizon or the equator. In interpreting
horoscopes, the 12 house divisions are generally given equal
weight with the 12 zodiac divisions on the ecliptic.
However, in some house systems, the houses scarcely project
onto the ecliptic at all! Nearly every one of the different
house systems results in a completely different horoscope for
an individual! The result is that in the general case, no two
different astrologers will create anything even remotely
resembling the same horoscope for the same individual.
Of course, like the zodiac signs, each House is given a
totally different field of significance, by constructing a
table or diagram, like the one below. But again it is no
exaggeration to say that every individual astrologer creates
his or her own table!!
The infinite immensity and
grandeur of our universe is reduced to a moronic and totally
random imaginary clockwork focused entirely on the purely
selfish concerns of the paying customer. ``What would be the
best day for me to go to the dentist?" ``When will I meet the
man of my dreams?" "Would I benefit by a career change?" Etc.,
etc., etc. It is sad and depressing to think that anyone could
ever find any aspect of reality to be contained within
astrology, but customers say the only thing important is the
reading, the personal attention and advice the
astrologer gives to his or her client. Where else can
you find that solace?
Perhaps the best way to appreciate that astrology is a random number generator, not a procedure connected to the real world, is to consider the phenomenon of precession of the equinoxes. Because the spin axis of the earth rotates in space (due to torques exerted on the rigid earth by sun and moon) the point at which the celestial equator intersects the ecliptic shifts continually. When the astrology books of classical antiquity were written, the astrological ``sign" of Aries was taken to have its boundary start at the intersection, but this point has now shifted across the constellation Pisces, headed toward Aquarius! The boundaries of the various constellations are arbitrary, and have also changed over time by international agreement between astronomers. But the problem now is that the astrological sign of Aries is nowhere near the actual constellation Aries. Astrologers have thus divided into two opposing factions, one of which stays with the sign, and the other of which stays with the actual constellation! How anyone could think that anything astrologers do makes sense in terms of any aspect of physical reality baffles all scientists, but the question really is a question of psychological need.
Ancient Greek astronomers such as Ptolemy recognized a number of constellations still totally unknown even to ``modern" astrologers. For example, there is one dim constellation that occupies a significant slice of the Zodiac in late November - early December, namely Ophiuchus! The constellation boundaries are generally completely arbitrary straight lines established by international convention... the vast majority of astrologers, following essentially magical rituals established long ago, ignore this and all other similar complications, although they render astrology invalid, even taken in its own terms. From Wikipedia: Some "parazodiacal" constellations are touched by the paths of the planets, leading to counts of up to 25 "constellations of the zodiac". The ancient Babylonian MUL.APIN catalog lists Orion, Perseus, Auriga, and Andromeda. Modern astronomers have noted that planets pass through Crater, Sextans, Cetus, Pegasus, Corvus, Hydra, and Scutum, with Venus very rarely passing through Aquila, Canis Minor, Auriga, and Serpens.
A final note... when I examined many published horoscopes for specific individuals many years ago I noticed that in general they did not contain actual predictions. Instead, every one of them adopted a tone and style very similar to your mother talking to you... ``Don't hang out with those losers at the street corner, find a better set of friends." ``Visit that new store you have wanted to visit... you may find something there that you really need but have never thought of."