In physics, the probability of fundamental processes is determined by what are called coupling constants, numbers that specify the strength with which some additive quantum number couples to a specific fundamental field of nature. For example, the so-called “fine structure constant,” α = e2/ℏc = 1/137 determines the way charge couples to the electromagnetic field, in other words to photons. [In the units physicists use, charge squared has the same units as ℏc, namely MeV-fm.] By analogy, physicists defined a coupling constant for the strong interaction, αs, which describes the coupling of colored quarks to gluons, and for the weak interaction, αw, which describes the coupling of weak charge to the weak bosons. In the realm of ordinary nuclear physics, αs is just a bit less than 1, and αw is effectively something like 10−6. You might think these numbers are fundamental constants of nature, but the remarkable fact is that they are functions of momentum transfer Q in a given process. Based on the uncertainty relation ΔrΔQ ≃ ℏ, this means that very high momentum transfer corresponds to very short distances... so that the fundamental forces are found to have a different coupling strength at short distances compared to large distances!
High energy or momentum transfer corresponds to very short interaction distances, while low energy or momentum transfer corresponds to large interaction distances. |
The astonishing result is that the
strong force (described by the theory called QCD)
actually becomes drastically inherently weaker at short
distances, so that quarks inside a baryon or meson behave as if
they were free particles, being in eigenstates of momentum! On
the other hand, the force becomes so drastically stronger at
larger distances, that the binding energy of quarks inside a
baryon or meson is infinite. If we look at the
electromagnetic force (described by the theory called QED),
we find the opposite behavior... the inherent strength of the
force becomes much stronger at short distances. This
difference in behavior is related to the peculiarities of color
compared to charge, when virtual particles are involved, with
clouds of them surrounding the real particles as they
interact. The behavior of the weak force is similar to the
behavior of the electromagnetic force... in fact a unified
theory of weak and electromagnetic forces is a key part of the
Standard Model. What makes the weak force appear so weak
is that its bosons have enormous mass, whereas the bosons of the
electromagnetic and strong forces have zero mass. The
combination of QCD with the unified theory of weak and
electromagnetic interactions (EWT)
resulted in the Standard Model of particles and fields, which
since the late 1960s has been the standard theory of particles
and fields, and has met every experimental test for the last
half century successfully. Yet it is clearly incomplete,
and physicists immediately started thinking of ways to go beyond
it. Almost all of those ways tried to unify the
electroweak and strong forces into a single framework, and all
those ways have failed completely.
Peter Higgs died on 4/8/2024 |
More than 10 years after the discovery of the Higgs boson, NO NEW PARTICLES HAVE BEEN FOUND, even though the beam energy and intensity of the LHC has been steadily increased. And no new particles are predicted by the Standard Model, but we know the Standard Model is incomplete... for example, it does not predict the existence of so-called Dark Matter particles, yet it is clear they make up a major component of our universe. It looks as if we have encountered a vast energy desert, where nature refuses to provide us with any hints as to how to improve our description of the fundamental aspects of nature.