Creationism is an anti-science, anti-education, fundamentalist religious movement which in its usual form claims that all of science is incorrect and invalid, and is a kind of atheist conspiracy designed specifically to attack religion. Creationists don't just object to scientific biology, they also assert that all of geology, geophysics, any physics since Maxwell, all of astronomy and astrophysics, and even all of world history before classical antiquity, is "made-up nonsense" intended to damage the faith of believers. Strict Creationists may even claim that the earth is flat, and at the center of the universe.  Intelligent Design is a spinoff of this movement. Instead of attacking all of science, promoters in Intelligent Design point to various features of nature as discovered by science as "evidence" that the natural world is the work of an unspecified and possibly unknown "Designer."  


20th Century Creationism is NOT based even on a mainstream version of Christianity. In fact, its origins trace back to an obscure cult known as Seventh Day Adventism. So trying to teach Creationism from available texts and teaching materials would specifically amount to the teacher presenting the strange beliefs of an obscure religious cult as a valid "scientific" understanding of nature! Many of the church's teachings evolved from "revelations" gained in trances by spirit medium Ellen G. White!

Strictly speaking, Creationism is a religious movement, whereas Intelligent Design is a pseudoscience. However, promoters of both of these vacuous ideas have created a major social problem by launching a direct attack against science education in US and UK public schools. Such attacks were increasingly common in the era 1990 - 2010.  The fact that such attacks have an obvious religious basis resulted in US courts consistently ruling against Creationism, when lawsuits were brought to allow "equal time" in K-12 science classes for Creationist and ID dogmas.  The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the US Constitution explicitly states that "no law" shall establish one particular religion as an "approved" State Religion. However, organizations such as the Federalist Society, beginning during the Desegregation Era of the early 1960s, started identifying law students who were religious and political extreme conservatives, and helping them into eventual judgeships in Federal courts, Appeals courts, and even the Supreme Court. As a a result, as of 2024, it is unlikely that many existing courts could or would rule against Creationism and Intelligent Design as replacements for actual science education in public schools! Even worse, US public schools have consistently failed to teach basic science. So, at the current time, about 40% of the US population consists of staunch religious fundamentalists who basically "do not believe" in science.

Creationism-centered textbooks were created by huge numbers of Christian publishers, between 1970 and the present, for use in all K-12 level classes, in public schools (where allowed by local law), church-run schools, charter schools, and for home-schooling. No matter what grade level the books are written for, they have ZERO scientific content, and basically state over and over that the world and its processes can only be understood by reading the Bible.

In the past few years, religious conservatives have widened their target. No longer is the attack against science in public education... instead, the full-on attack is directed against the whole concept of public education! The pressure on courts is to allow public funds to be used to support and enlarge the system of private religious schools, at the expense of public school funding.

The results of a century with no science in public schools or private schools.

Let's see why the concept of creation or a creator could never be a part of science. Suppose I have a divine revelation to the following effect: Space Monkey created the world and all that is on it, three years ago today. Your objection might be that you can remember back more than three years, there are things obviously more than three years old, and so on... but, oh, you pitiful amonkeyistic fool! Don't you realize that Space Monkey created everything just the way it is? He created those memories, those things, he created it all. Now we can see the problem with this concept. It is not a scientific theory, it is not even a pseudoscience scenario— it is a completely empty phrase. Translated into ordinary English, it is, “The way things are is the way things are.” When I ask for evidence for or against Space Monkey and his creation, the problem is that no matter what I point to, and no matter what it signifies logically or scientifically, it means nothing, because Space Monkey could have created it any way He wanted to. The Intelligent Designers merely replace the word “created” by the word “designed,” a replacement which actually makes things even more confused, since the verb or noun “design” has no known relevance to any system or process in nature. Having creation or design occur 4.6 billion years ago or 13.8 billion years ago, instead of 3 years ago, also changes nothing.

Stephen Hawking (1942 – 2018): "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself...."

This closeup of a forming planet shows a moon forming at the same time!

Because our sun is fortunately located in a spur in the outer parts of a spiral arm of our galaxy, we are very close to the Great Nebula in Orion, a nursery where stars and planets are constantly being formed from clouds of interstellar gas and dust. We can see systems in every stage of formation. What is making these stars and planets and moons is ordinary GRAVITY. Given an initial cloud spat out of dying stars, gravity has a unique role... it is the only fundamental force which has both infinite range and is always attractive.  Thus the initial nonuniform density of the clouds of gas and dust is intensified... the denser parts get denser, the thinner parts get thinner, and the most massive concentrations become stars, while the lesser concentrations become planets and moons.  There is little or no mystery about such "creation" because we can view the processes in every stage, with hundreds of examples to study.   There is another fundamental force, which in practice has a range so short that it is scarcely more than the diameter of an atom... this electromagnetic force forms atoms, and forms clusters of atoms... molecules!  When we focus our attention on the surface of a planet where complicated molecules can be stable, and combine easily, we can readily wind up with some kind of life... molecules that can self-replicate.  Organic molecules are made of precisely the most abundant atoms in nature... hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, etc.  They form even in the near-vacuum of interstellar space, in so-called molecular clouds.  So at the molecular scale, the great structure-former is the electromagnetic force.  [The other two fundamental forces, the strong and weak forces, despite their very, very short range, play a starring role in nature... making the stars themselves shine!]

When the great physicist Richard Feynman (1918 – 1988) was asked to think of a single sentence that would convey the most important scientific knowledge we possess, he answered simply: "Everything is made of atoms." Atoms naturally attract one another at short distances, and so naturally cluster by accident to form molecules of ever-increasing complexity. EVERY MOLECULE in the entire universe formed by accident... there is no other way to make molecules. And lucky for us, organic molecules are the easiest molecules to form because they consist of the most common atoms... atoms produced in the course of the life-cycle of stars.

A glimpse of the ancient world of "living molecules," preserved within every cell of every living thing

Every large university or research institute, everywhere in the world, which has a large astrophysics group,  has created programs that simulate structure formation in the early universe, based on the gravitational attraction of dark matter filaments for normal matter. See a collection of visualizations of calculations here.

The Bizarre Recent Origins of Young Earth Creationism!


An unbroken history of total failure... various attempts to improve science and math education in the US since 1957!

US students do poorly in math and science compared to other "First World" countries



Terrible News for Science Literacy and Science Education

The Core of the Problem!

"Religion in the United States is widespread [and] diverse, with the country far more religious than other wealthy Western nations."