History of Black Holes!
• 1915--- Schwarzschild and
Droste independently discover a solution to Einstein's field
equations for gravity, for a point particle.
• 1931 - 39--- Chandrasekhar,
Oppenheimer, Tolman and Volkoff realize that if a star has a
mass above a certain limit, there is no relativistic Fermi
pressure based on any fundamental force of nature that can halt
gravitational collapse. [This mass limit is currently computed
to be about 2.2 solar masses. The lowest-mass
black holes observed to date have a mass of about 3
solar masses.] For stars at or above some mass limit, and
which do not undergo huge mass losses at end-stage stellar
evolution, eventual collapse to a singularity seems
inevitable. The Schwarzschild surface, a confusing
feature of Schwarzchild's solution, they eventually realized, is
a boundary (surrounding the singularity), usually called the
event horizon, which an infalling object, as seen by an external
observer, will take an infinite time to reach. However, in
the co-moving frame of the object, the surface is crossed in a
finite time. Once past the surface, all traversable paths
intersect the singularity at the center.
• 1958 - 1974--- A large
number of talented theoretical physicists start working in the
area of Einstein's theory of gravity. New analytic solutions are
discovered for point particles, and pioneering work on
numerical methods begins. [It also became clear that the
singularity was a real, unavoidable feature of the classical
field theory. Approximately one out of every thousand stars is
massive enough to become a black hole. The term “black hole” was
first used in the early 1960s, but did not become popular until
John Archibald Wheeler started using it in early 1968.]

All black holes MUST rotate.

Rotating black hole |
Since black holes that are
end-products of stellar evolution must be rotating, and very
massive black holes that result from mergers of smaller black
holes must also be rotating, and supermassive black holes that
form in the Dark Ages from enormously dense clouds of gas and
dust must be rotating, it is clear that all black holes rotate.
The analytic solution for a rotating black hole is the Kerr
solution, discovered here at UT in 1963 by Roy Kerr.
The singularity is a ring of finite radius but zero thickness,
possessing mass and angular momentum. A characteristic of
Einstein's theory of gravity is that any object near a rotating
mass has a torque exerted on it, the so-called “frame-dragging”
effect. All boundaries for a rotating black hole exist in
two forms, one for objects with total angular momentum
projection parallel to the black hole's angular momentum, and
the other for objects with total angular momentum projection
antiparallel to the black hole's angular momentum. Thus
there are two Event Horizons, and two Photon Spheres, regions
where photons can go into (complex) orbits. There are also
two Ergosphere boundaries, between which, no matter what
the initial velocity of the object, it is dragged along with the
black hole's rotation. In other words, within the
Ergosphere, it is impossible for an object to be at rest.
The inner boundary of the Ergosphere is the outer Event
Horizon. Contrary to the diagram above, the Event Horizons
are oblate spheroids, and the Ergosphere region is overall
shaped something like a pumpkin. So incredibly difficult is the
mathematics of Einstein's theory of gravity that it is only in
the summer of 2022 that it has finally been possible to prove
that the solution for a slowly-rotating black hole is stable
against perturbations!
In a strong gravitational
field, space is highly non-Euclidian, and closed orbits
are not possible (the force does not go like the inverse
square of the distance).
Stars orbiting the
supermassive black hole, Sagittarus A* at the center of our own
galaxy. Predicted by John
Michell (1724 – 1793)! This black hole is
unfortunately difficult to image, because a direct line of sight
to it passes through the densest part of our galaxy. It
was successfully imaged in mid-2022.
jets are a feature of many exotic astronomical
objects. Black holes themselves do not have magnetic
poles or magnetic fields. So it remains somewhat of a
mystery as to what provides the spinning magnetic fields
that propel energetic and enormous polar jets out
perpendicular to an accretion disk, as seen with some
black holes at galactic centers, but not others.
Since most black holes at
galactic centers do not have relativistic jets, astronomers
assume that in active galaxies, the accretion disk of the
central black hole must be surrounded by a “torus,” an enormous
structure like a natural Tokomak, which stores
ultra-relativistic particles and magnetic field lines, and
injects them into the accretion disk at a steady rate! As more
black holes become available for study, with considerable
intensity variation in the jets produced, the jet
mechanism is becoming clearer. Roughly one in 10 black
holes have these jets.
Sir Roger Penrose (1931 - )
revolutionized the mathematical approach to solution of the
equations of Einstein's Theory of Gravity, and emphasized that
formation of black holes is an essentially unavoidable product of
stellar evolution. He shared the Nobel Prize in Physics for 2020,
for this work.
Because black holes are an intense
topic of current research, with many different groups all over
the world working on the basic physics, take everything stated
on this page with a grain of salt. The future may bring a
complete revolution in our understanding of black holes, as we
see more and more examples to study in more and more detail.
In a 1937 science fiction novel by
British writer Olaf Stapledon, STARMAKER,
which provides a panoramic history of all intelligent life in the
universe, early galaxies are depicted as intelligent beings, who
battle one another by sending out enormous jets of relativistic
particles, to cut one another in two! At the time Stapledon wrote,
little or nothing was known about galaxies, and no galactic jets
had ever been observed.
The Infamous Final Parsec Problem!

In 1979 Disney Studios released a
live-action science fantasy movie called THE BLACK HOLE. At the
end of the film (based loosely on Melville's MOBY DICK, with the
Black Hole taking the role of Moby Dick) it was revealed that a
black hole is a portal to hell itself!
Black Hole Primer