“I am not getting anything out of the meeting. I am learning nothing. Because there are no experiments, this field is not an active one, so few of the best men are doing work in it. The result is that there are hosts of dopes here, and it is not good for my blood pressure. Remind me not to come to any more gravity conferences!” [Richard Feynman in a letter to his wife, written while attending the 1962 Warsaw Conference on “The Theory of Gravitation.”]  Feynman's big contribution to the field was a convincing argument that gravitational radiation was observable and that efforts should be made to construct practical detectors of it.

By the late 1950s, there were two prominent attitudes toward quantum gravity. One was that a quantum theory of gravity would never be needed, since quantum gravitational effects could never be observed. Another was that there were obstacles to a quantum theory of gravity that could never be overcome. The gravitational field was not a gauge vector field (its bosons would have spin 2) and its coupling constant G had a dimension, which caused “an infinite number of infinities” at every order of perturbation theory. Furthermore there seemed to be an inherent incompatibility between gravity and quantum physics... in quantum physics, time is just a parameter, whereas in Einstein's Theory of Gravity, the geometry of space-time itself is the result of an elaborate calculation. So would quantum physics itself have to be redone from scratch? Beyond that, in relativistic quantum field theory, the fields occupy a passive space-time, whereas a quantum field theory of gravity would somehow also have to reformulate quantum field theory from the ground up, somehow placing fields within fields.

Two pioneering figures in quantum gravity have strong University of Texas roots... John Archibald Wheeler (left, 1911 - 2008) and Bryce DeWitt (right, 1923 - 2004). Despite their pioneering efforts, there has really been little or no significant progress in quantizing gravity since their early and seminal work. Of course the inability to do experiments or make astrophysical observations relevant to quantum gravity is the major stumbling block, and there is some reason to hope this situation may change. However, the current state of quantum gravity research is accurately described as dismal. Here is a quick summary of the situation. And here is a broader survey of current work. But the problems are of such a fundamental nature that it's hard to imagine much progress in the foreseeable future. Here is an interesting set of recent proposals.