The modern myth of apelike monsters inhabiting the high Himalayas starts with an expedition to Tibet by British journalist Erich Shipton in 1951. While touring the area of the high mountains, including the famous Everest, Shipton saw numerous large footprints in the deep snow. He asked his Tibetan guides about them, and was told they were made by large furry creatures, the yeti, with white or brown fur, which were very dangerous and walked like men! The fact that no two sets of these footprints looked even vaguely alike was explained by "snow melting" of various degrees. Other later tourists frequently found and reported various mysterious tracks. They also reported that monks in isolated monasteries had caps and other garments they had made from the hides of yeti that they found dead of natural causes in the snow.

Enter Sir Edmund Hillary, the most famous explorer of the region. In May of 1953, Hillary and Tenzing Norgay became the first known humans to reach the summit of Mt. Everest and make it back alive. Hillary and Norgay in later years became vigilant protectors of Everest and its environment, and were increasingly horrified as Everest became a tourist destination, resulting in horrific amounts of trash everywhere and leaving more than 300 frozen human bodies on the slopes of Everest, about 200 of which are still clearly visible there today. Hillary investigated every claim about the Yeti, finding them all to be obvious mis-identifications or hoaxes. The so-called yeti caps were found to be made of goat fur.

Russian and Chinese news media enormously publicize all forms of pseudoscience, and even today there are fairly frequent reports of Chinese or Russian or Indian soldiers encountering giant footprints, or much more rarely apemen in the barren snows of the Himalayas. Usually they are seen at a vast distance, as mysterious moving things of unknown nature.  I have never seen a yeti photo.

Costume-shop Snowman... these are much rarer than gorilla or bigfoot costumes.
The only claimed photo of the Snowman I have ever been able to find. No information whatsoever about it is supplied with it, but it does suggest that Snowman costumes are available internationally.

Programs can now be run (as of 2023) on any smartphone, that will create incredibly realistic images, indistinguishable from a genuine photo. So the sad truth is that, as of the present, no "photo" taken recently could ever serve as valid evidence of anything!