Nature is made of two
totally different kinds of fundamental particles, bosons
and fermions. Fermions are conserved in number and obey
the Pauli Exclusion Principle... no two identical
fermions in the same region of space can be in a state
with the same quantum numbers. Fermions all have
intrinsic spin 1/2 ℏ. Complex systems of fermions which
happen to have a total angular momentum of 1/2 ℏ also
behave like fundamental point fermions by obeying the
exclusion principle. This behavior is referred to as
Fermi-Dirac statistics. On the other hand, pointlike
fundamental particles with an intrinsic spin of zero or
of one ℏ unit are called Bosons. Any number of bosons in
the same region of space can occupy precisely the same
state. Fundamental pointlike bosons are not conserved in
number, but any complex system which happens to have a
total angular momentum of zero can behave like a boson.
This behavior is called Bose-Einstein statistics. The
diagram at left shows a bosonic and a fermionic system,
both at T = 0 K. |
Satyendra Nath Bose (1894 – 1974 ) |
Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) |
Paul Dirac (1902 – 1984) |
Enrico Fermi (1901 – 1954) |
Statistical physics began
with the great late 19th Century physicists Maxwell and
Boltzmann asking, in an ideal gas consisting of
non-interacting particles which have only a kinetic
energy, what is the probability that a given particle
has a given speed v? The key factor that
appeared in their solution was exp(-E/kT) where E is the
kinetic energy, and k is Boltzmann's constant, which is
1.38 × 10-23 Joules per Kelvin, or 8.62 × 10-5
eV/K. Remember that in physics,
kT is equal to (2/3) of the average kinetic energy of a
constituent particle in a system. The Kelvin is the ONLY
unit of T for which this statement is correct! |
In quantum physics, what we need is not the most probable speed, but rather the probability that a given state in a quantum system is occupied by one or more particles. The Bose-Einstein distribution gives the answer for bosons, while the Fermi-Dirac distribution supplies the answer for fermions. Again, the absolute temperature T of the system is a key parameter.
The higher the temperature, the more particles can reach excited states, leaving vacancies behind |
BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATION! Bose–Einstein condensates were first
predicted in 1924–1925 by Albert Einstein, crediting a
pioneering paper by Satyendra Nath Bose, establishing a new
field now known as quantum statistics. It was not until 1995
that a Bose–Einstein condensate was actually created in the lab
by Eric Cornell and Carl Wieman of the University of Colorado,
Boulder, using rubidium atoms; later that year, Wolfgang
Ketterle of MIT produced a BEC using sodium atoms. In 2001
Cornell, Wieman, and Ketterle shared the Nobel Prize in Physics
“for the achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute
gases of alkali atoms, and for early fundamental studies of the
properties of the condensates.” [Composite particles, such as
atoms, also will behave as bosons or fermions. Depending on the
number of electrons, protons and neutrons, an atom can have
integer or half-integer total spin and, therefore, be a boson or
fermion.] These experiments were done at temperatures
around 170 nanoKelvin. The current record for low
temperatures is around 38 picoKelvin!
It is remarkable that when physicists came to investigate atomically flat systems, with effectively only two space dimensions, they discovered that in these systems the distinction between fermions and bosons breaks down, and the particles behave like “anyons,” because in two dimensions, exchanging identical particles twice is not equivalent to leaving them alone. The particles' state function after swapping places twice may differ from the original one; particles with such unusual exchange statistics are known as anyons. By contrast, in three dimensions, exchanging identical particles twice cannot change their state function, leaving us with only two possibilities: bosons, whose state function remains the same after a single exchange, and fermions, whose exchange only changes the overall sign of their state function.
Anyons are just one example of the discoveries being made in what is probably the hottest single topic of research currently ongoing, in all of condensed matter physics--- namely, topological materials. We will have more to say about them later in the course.