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Lecture: 34  (iq32)


Review unit3-II

o   Use of the summary sheet, overview of ch19, ch20.

o   Series and parallel connections for resistors.

o   Series and parallel connections for capacitors.

o   RC circuits: charging case I=dq/dt, discharging case I=-dq/dt.

o   Rest frame observer vs moving observer:

o   A comment on Motional emf (in ch21) is a part of Faraday’s law (in ch23).

o   Sec. 21.6 Magnetic force in a moving reference frame.



o   Summary 3 has been update (4/11/12). There was a correction on the LC line.  The LRC line was added.  Use your Summary of Unit 3 as a check list to look over your homework sets. Also look up the summary of unit 1 and unit 2 as needed. (During the exam all three summary sheets will be made available to you.)

o   Extra review session today:  5-6, in RLM 5.118.

o   Extra office hour tomorrow:  Th 2:30-4


Extra hw-problems and the solutions are available in your account for ch19-20, ch21, ch23. They can help you to check your understanding on the physics you have learned. These problems do not contribute toward your grades.


Please also visit the IQ-library to check your physics understanding.