Questionnaires on the use of MI-course material in teaching Physics 303K, Fall 2009

Please choose one response to each question below

A. Strongly agree.      B. Agree         C. Neutral      D. Disagree.   E. Strongly disagree.


1.      The M&I textbook provides a good conceptual understanding of physics based on fundamental principles.

2.      The textbook is "readable" and relatively easily to follow. It is not too dense or long-winded.

3.      The material covered in the M&I textbook is well organized, interrelated and cohesive.

Webassign homework

4.      The WebAssign problems coordinate well with the material covered in this course.

5.      The tutorial style webassign problems often help me to learn the material better.

6.      I like the schedule of homework assignments. It keeps me in pace with the course.

Clicker questions & Simulations

7.      Clicker questions helped me to learn the course material better.

8.      Clicker questions keep me more alert during the lecture.

Overview of the course

 9.  I would recommend the M&I physics course to other students.

10. Based on my experience with or knowledge of the standard physics curriculum, I would say the M&I physics course compares favorably to the standard physics course.  

Simulation and online office hours

11. Computer simulations is a valuable part of this course.

12. Simulations were helpful for understanding the difference between scalars and vectors, i.e. which

equations and which physical quantities are scalar versus vector.

13. During the simulations, there was adequate assistance available from the TA and Las.

14. Technical problems relating to software installation or VPython not functioning properly did not

significantly hamper my progress in doing simulations.

15. The average length of time it took me to complete each simulation was reasonable ( ~1 hour).

16. Seeing a system evolve according to code I had written gave me a "hands on" feel for physical    

 principles in a way that static pictures and descriptions did not.

17. Simulations are a good way of learning physics compared to other academic activities such as

      listening to a lecture, doing a lab, or doing homework problems.

18. Simulations were enjoyable compared to other academic activities in the sciences, such as

      listening to a lecture, doing a lab, or doing homework problems.

      19. The schedule of online office hours was more convenient for me than the typical afternoon office hours.

      20. The online medium was a natural one for communicating physics ideas and problem techniques.