Questionnaire on the use of MI-course material in teaching Physics 303L, Spring 2010

Please choose one response to each question below

A. Strongly disagree.      B. Disagree         C. Neutral      D. Agree.   E. Strongly agree.


1. The M&I textbook provides a good conceptual understanding of physics based on fundamental principles.

2. The material covered in the M&I textbook is well organized, readable, easily to follow.

3. Phy103N is an independent lab course which all Phy303L students are required to take. The lab has its own syllabus, although the syllabus is somewhat correlated to the non-MI textbook. Based on your experience, do you agree that the physics content featured in 103N labs is essentially contained in the MI textbook (even if some material is covered at a later time in the semester)?

4. (Only for students who did NOT take 303K-MI) Even though I did not take 303K-MI, I had no problem transitioning to the 303L-MI curriculum.

5. (Only for students who did NOT take 303K-MI) In comparison with the non-MI course I previously took, I prefer the MI approach with regards to the readability of the text, explanation of real-world phenomena, style of homework questions, etc.

6. (Only for students who TOOK 303K-MI) Based on my experience with or knowledge of the standard physics curriculum, my impression is that the M&I physics course compares favorably to the standard physics course.

Webassign homework

7. I like the schedule of homework assignments. It keeps me up with the pace of the course.

Overview of the course

8.  I would recommend the M&I physics course to other students.


9.  (Only for students who TOOK 303K-MI)  This semester's approach of less coding and answering reflection questions improved the educational value of computer modeling compared with last semester.

10. Technical problems relating to software installation or VPython not functioning properly did not significantly hamper my progress in doing models.

11. The average length of time it took me to complete each model + reflection was reasonable ( ~1 hour).

12. Visualizing 3D physics in a computer model whose parameters could be adjusted gave me a "hands on" feel for physical principles in a way that static pictures and descriptions did not.

13. Computer modeling (as implemented in the present semester) is a valuable part of a physics course and should be incorporated in the curriculum alongside lectures, labs, homework, etc.

Online Office Hours

14. The schedule of online office hours was more convenient for me than typical morning/afternoon office hours.

15. Office hours held online were just as useful to me as they would have been “on ground”.

16.  Online office hours should be more widely implemented in university courses.