Lecture35   iq31

RC and RLC circuits


1.      Energy and energy density stored in C and in L

2.      2. “Conservation of energy in LC circuit

3.      3. Solution to LC circuit. Simple harmonic Oscillator. Clicker 32.1a.

4.      4. RLC circuit

o   The I2R term in the power-equation is always positive. (See Fig 23.49)

o   Damped envelop in the oscillatory Q-curve and I-curve.



Midterm 3, class average 71.

The lecture video in our homepage is now available for viewing. Keep in mind it is an experimental project.  Your feedback is welcome.

Application of the LA position is now available. For those of you who do well in this course are encouraged to apply the LA job. LAs can play an important part in helping students through their interaction with students. If you are interested in this job opportunity please contact Lisa Gentry*.

*Lisa’s contact information: Undergraduate Coordinator, Department of Physics

Ph: 512-471-8856  Fax: 512-471-9637

email address: ugaffairs@physics.utexas.edu