Lecture37   iq32


1D plane EM waves & Radiation from accelerating a charged particle


1.      Ch24.h1: 15-16. 1D plane EM waves.

o   Switch on the current sheet at t=0.

o   B-flux passing through the front window 12341 and Faraday’s law

o   E-flux passing through the top area 12561 and Ampere-Maxwell’s law

o   v^2=1/(esp0 x mu0)

o   Measurement of esp0 and mu0 in static experiments.

             Faraday law and Ampere-Maxwell’s law enable the propagation of EM waves in


2.      Properties of the EM waves.

3.      Radiative E field due to acceleration of a point charge.

o   Stationary at A, there is an isotropic E-field pattern.

o   After a knock. A kink structure appears in the pattern. It expands outward with the speed of light.

o   A snapshot at T

                                                              i.      The acceleration zone

                                                            ii.      Determine the radiative field at theta, r

                                                          iii.      The direction of the total E field is along the segment 21.  (See the proof in Sec24.11 is based on the Gauss’s law.)

      4. The key steps in the derivation.

o   tan (alpha)= Eperp/Eparall =Eradiative/Ecoul

o   Geometry: tan (alpha)= vT sin(theta)/(c tacc).

o   Complete the homework problem:  ch24.h2 008-012



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email address: ugaffairs@physics.utexas.edu