Lecture 40     iq35

1. Relationship between energy and momentum for light.

2. Radiative pressure. Reflective case and the absorptive case.

3. Polarization of EM waves.

o   Parallel metal strips. Define the transmission axis.

o   The ratio  between the transmitted intensity and the initial intensity.

o   The metal strip analyzer and the un-polarized light

4. The magnetic force due to an em waves exerts on q which is initially at rest.

5. Why the sky is blue and the  light is polarized?

o   The setup.

o   Comparison of the intensities of the rescattered light at two wavelength.



1. The updated course summary of unit 4 has been posted with the date 4/21/13.

o   Since the posted LM covered Malus law, Malus law has been added in the summary.

o   The homework set: Ch24.h5 has been deleted from unit 4 in our updated lesson plan. The course-material on lens has also been removed from the summary.

     2. My plan is to cover Sec 24.7 and 24.8 this Friday. Sec 25.1 on Monday.        The content of the materials are straightforward please read ahead and do your homework problems.

     3. I plan to post review unit4 problems before noon , next Monday