Spin-transfer interactions in exchange-biased spin valves


PAPER:       Z. Wei, J. Basset, A. Sharma, J. Bass, and M. Tsoi,

“Spin-transfer interactions in exchange-biased spin valves”,

J. Appl. Phys. 105, 07D108 (2009).


SLIDES:       53rd Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference

                        Austin, Texas, November 10-14, 2008





We extend to a new antiferromagnetic alloy, IrMn, point-contact based studies of the effect of a large current density on the exchange bias at antiferromagnet/ferromagnet (AFM/F) interfaces. Similarly to the case of AFM=CoFe, a negative current density ~ 1012 A/m2 injected through the F=CoFe into an IrMn/CoFe interface was found to increase the exchange bias while a positive current decreased it. The model used to describe the data for FeMn/CoFe, based on predicted current-induced torques on AFM, can explain the new data.



This work was supported in part by NSF Grants DMR-06-45377 and DMR-08-04126