Homeworks for PHY 396 L

Long homework assignments are available in 3 formats, use whichever you like (or whichever your software likes).

Plain TeX (not LaTeX) source of the problem set. Needs phyzzx macros.
Device-independent TeX output. Recommended for screen viewing.
Postscript. Fonts are bitmapped to 300 dpi. This format prints OK on higher-resolution printers, but looks bad (or unreadable) on a low-resolution computer screen.

Spring 1999, Dr. Kaplunovsky's class

  • In lieu of set 1: Evaluate and simplify the numerator of the one-loop QED vertex correction. Due January 27.
    Solutions: (tex, dvi, ps).
  • Set 2: Problems 6.1 and 6.3 of the Peskin & Schroeder textbook. Due February 3.
    Solutions: (tex, dvi(tar), ps).
  • Set 3: Problems 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 of the Peskin & Schroeder textbook. Due February 18.
    Solutions: (tex, dvi(tar), ps).
  • Set 4: Prove the Ward-Takahashi identity for the Scalar QED. Due February 25.
    Solutions: (tex, dvi(tar), ps).
  • Set 5 (tex, dvi(tar), ps). Due March 4.
    Solutions: (tex, dvi(tar), ps).
  • Set 6 (tex, dvi, ps). Due March 11.
    Note errors in the printed version.
    Solutions: (tex, dvi, ps).
  • In lieu of set 7: Brush up on statistical mechanics. Due March 23.
  • Set 8: Problems 11.1 and 11.3 of the Peskin & Schroeder textbook. Due April 8.
    Solutions: (tex, dvi, ps).
  • In lieu of set 9: Read chapter 19 of Weinberg's book and learn more about Goldstone bosons in general and pions in particular. Due April 15.
  • Set 10: Problems 12.1 and 12.2 of the Peskin & Schroeder textbook. Due April 22.
    Solutions: (tex, dvi, ps).
  • Set 11: Final project ath the end of part~II of the Peskin & Schroeder textbook, parts (a), (b), (c) (e) and (f). Due April 29.
    Solutions: (tex, dvi, ps).
  • Set 12 (tex, dvi, ps). Due May 6.
    Solutions: (tex, dvi, ps).
  • Exams

  • Mid-term (tex, dvi, ps), due April 1.
  • Final (tex, dvi, ps), due May 11.

  • Last Modified: May 6, 1999.
    Vadim Kaplunovsky