Charge distributions in nuclei, experiment and theory. |
Neutron distributions are harder to measure because of absorption of the probe!
Here x = -q2/(2mp(E - E')). See sections 6.8, 6.9 in the text. Physically, x is the fraction of the proton's total momentum carried by the particular particle that interacted with the electron. A personal saga of deep inelastic scattering! Some more to think about.
Calculation of electron |g|.
One of the great triumphs of physics!
Every calculation of the muon magnetic moment based on standard field-theoretic techniques, done up to date, shows a consistent discrepancy between experiment (as of August 2023) and theory. No satisfying explanation was at first evident, which suggested to many that new physics beyond the Standard Model might possibly be involved. However, the latest calculations using the lattice gauge theoretic approach are currently giving good agreement with the latest data. The field-theoretic calculations are so difficult, and involve so many semi-empirical estimates, that the discrepancies are generally not taken seriously.
Check this Comment. And what about the electron??
Just as expected, the problem went away (see red dot) when a powerful method called lattice gauge theory was applied. We will have more to say about this method and what it has to say about the internal structure of baryons and mesons, later in the course.