Importing other address books
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Importing other address books

If you already have information stored in another address book which you want to use with the Horde groupware applications, you (probably) don't have to re-enter all your information. Instead you can import address books from other software into Horde groupware in various formats.

Not all address books formats can be imported. But it supports most common formats, including Pine, CSV (comma-delimited), vCard, and others.

To import addresses, you must first get a copy of the address book you want to import onto your local computer. Many mail and address book programs have an export function to create such a file.


Any duplicates in the imported data will be imported again as a new card. Please check your imported data for duplicates!

Importing from Microsoft Outlook

In order to import from Microsoft� Outlook™, you should have exported your address book using Outlook™'s Import and Export function, and exported to a comma delimited (CSV) formatted file. Use the default settings for each step of the export. Call the resulting file addressbook.csv, and place it in a known location (e.g. on your Desktop.)

After the file addressbook.csv has been created, return to Horde and do the following:

  1. Press Addressbook

  2. Press Import/Export

  3. Select Outlook from the Select the format to import from:menu

  4. Select the address book you wish to import into. You can always import into My Addressbook. You can only import into a shared address book that you have permission to access. This is dependent on the installation. Please contact your administrator if you need assistance.

  5. Press Browse and locate your addressbook.csv file you created in Outlook. Once you've found it, press ok, and it will be selected to be imported.

    Important: You can only select one address book at a time to be imported.

  6. After selecting the comma-delimited file, press the Import button to read the file into memory.

  7. The Map Import Fields panel will appear so you can fine-tune the import settings. Outlook has a default field order that is taken care of by the Outlook import option, so changes to this panel usually aren't necessary.

    Scroll down and press the Import to import the address book.

  8. Press the Browse button to see your address book, including your newly imported entries.

Importing vCards

When vCard is selected from the Select the format to import from: menu, you can import vCard format files most commonly found in e-mail attachments. These files typically have the filename extension .vcf and are not comma delimited files.

Importing a vCard from an email attachment.

  1. While reading a message that has a vCard attachment, click on the icon which downloads the file to your machine. Save it to a known location, for example to your desktop.

  2. Select the Addressbook.

  3. Select Import/Export, and go to the Import Panel.

  4. Select vCard from the Select the format to import from: menu.

  5. Select My Addressbook from the Select the destination to import to: menu.

  6. Click the Browse button in the Select the file to import:

  7. Select the vCard file you saved, and press OK.

  8. No other options need to be set. Press Import.

  9. Press Browse to see the new address book entry listed in your address book.

Importing from another Horde Addressbook.

With the CSV option in the Select the format to import from: menu, you can directly import files exported with the Export panel in the Import/Export menu.

The below procedure shows how to import a CSV file exported from My Addressbook

  1. Select the Addressbook.

  2. Select Import/Export, and go to the Import Panel.

  3. Select CSV from the Select the format to import from: menu.

  4. Select the address book you wish to import into. You can always import into My Addressbook. You can only import into a shared address book that you have permission to access. This is dependent on the installation. Please contact your administrator if you need assistance.

  5. Press Browse and locate your addressbook.csv file you created in Outlook. Once you've found it, press ok, and it will be selected to be imported.

    Important: You can only select one address book at a time to be imported.

  6. After selecting the comma-delimited file, press the Import button to read the file into memory.

  7. The Map Import Fields panel will appear so you can fine-tune the import settings. Outlook has a default field order that is taken care of by the Outlook import option, so changes to this panel usually aren't necessary.

    Scroll down and press Import to import the address book.

  8. Press the Browse button to see your address book, including your newly imported entries.

Importing Pine Address books

  1. Open your address book.

  2. In the address book icon bar at the top of the page, click the Import/Export icon.

  3. Import your address book:

    1. From the Select the format to import from menu, select Pine Address Book.

    2. Click the Browse button to navigate among the files on your computer to find your pine address book file. Select it.

    3. Click Import.

    The entries will be added to your address book.

    Note: Some complex addresses (distribution lists, etc) may not import correctly.