This document is the syllabus for the PHY 396T Supersymmetry course as taught in Fall 2000
by Dr. Vadim Kaplunovsky.
This is a special topics course, so its future offereings (if any) will vary.
Required Knowledge
The Supersymmetry course presumes graduate-level knowledge of
Quantum Field Theory.
It does not matter where and how you acquired this knowledge -- there are no bureaucratic
prerequisites for this course -- but you must know QFT in order to understand SUSY.
Course Content
This course does not follow any particular book, but the following textbooks will be very useful:
Homeworks, Exams and Grades
The homeworks for this class will be assigned in class.
Typically, I would ask you to complete (or work out the details of) a calculation began (or scetched out) in
class or to read some periferal-but-interesting material in the textbook.
The homeworks are assigned on the honor system, they will not be graded.
Cooperation is encouraged as long as every student thoroughly understands the whole work.
(Unlike in the QFT class I taught last year) I will not post solution on the web, so please check
each other's work.
The grade will be based on two take-home exams, one in the middle of the semester, the other at the end.
Unlike the homeworks,
the exams must be done by individual students without any help from anybody else!
There will be no in-class final exams.
Supplementary Notes
Last Modified: April 3, 2002.
Vadim Kaplunovsky