
We are not currently searching for post-docs.


Graduate Students:

Graduate students who would like to work in our group may contact Dan at any time. Interested students are strongly encouraged to join the group as early in their graduate careers as possible; in most cases, students join our group either when they arrive at UT, or they begin with a summer RA after completing their first nine months of studies. Students working in our group are typically supported for one or two semesters on a TA and with summer support on an RA, before transitioning to year-round RA support. However, in special cases academic year RA support for new students can be arranged. Undergraduate students who are applying to UT for graduate school, and who would like to work in our group, are encouraged to contact Dan when they apply to UT. Prospective UT graduate students should also feel free to contact the current students in the group for more information.

We typically have funding for four year-round RA positions and another two summer RA positions. At present, we have four graduate students, mostly supported on RAs. Positions are open for students who would like to begin research sometime during this coming academic year or at the beginning of next summer. Interested students are encouraged to contact Prof. Heinzen at any time for further information, or to simply stop by the lab (RLM 2.304) to talk with current students.

At present, we are searching for graduate students for all three of our current research projects, but primarily on the Electron Electric Dipole Moment (EDM) and Cold Atom Source (CAS) experiments. To learn more about these experiments, see the entries under the 'Research' tab in the navigation bar at the top of the page. For


Undergraduate Students:

We're always happy to have a couple of undergraduate students working in our group. Students must be physics majors with a GPA of at least 3.5, in their sophomore or junior year, and be willing to put in at least 10 hours per week during the semester and 30 hours per week per week during the summer. Work can either be for pay or for course credit, but all students joining the group must work for course credit for the first one to two semesters, except typically with pay over the summer. Most undergraduates in our group work together with graduates students on small construction projects - diode laser systems, electronics, etc . . ., but students who start early may be able to carry out their own research project during their senior year.

We typically have one or two undergraduate students in our group. At present, we have one undergraduate student and could likely find a project for a second. Interested students should email Prof. Heinzen.