Modeling and Integration of Non-Linear Optics with Si Using Epitaxial Oxides
IRES @ IBM Zürich
- A joint research study of the electro-optical properties of BaTiO3 (BTO) films grown on Si by a group at The University of Texas Austin and the group at IBM Zürich.
- U.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible.
- Candidates from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.
- Interested?
- Check out our Recruitment Flyer.
- Email Professor Alex Demkov.
Publications and Presentations:

- 2017
- March 2017: Elliott returns from Zürich to Austin. Farewell, Elliott!
- March 2017: Kristy presents at the APS March Meeting 2017 in New Orleans, LA.
- Feb 2017: Kristy presents posters for NSF-IRES and UT Women in Physics at the UT Graduate Student Recruitment.
- Jan 2017: Ed presents at SPIE Photonics West in San Francisco, CA.
- 2016
- Oct 2016: Graduate Student Elliott Ortmann departs Austin for Zürich. Safe travels, Elliott!
- Sept 2016: Kristy presents at the 19th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy in Montpellier, France.
- April 2016: Ed returns from Zürich to Austin. Farewell, Kurt!
- March 2016: Graduate Student Edward Lin departs Austin for Zürich. Safe travels, Ed!
- March 2016: Kristy presents the APS March Meeting 2016 in Baltimore,MD.
- Feb 2016: Kristy presents posters for NSF-IRES and UT Women in Physics at the UT Graduate Student Recruitment.
- 2015
- Dec 2015: Kristy presents at the 46th IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialist Conference in Arlington, VA.
- Dec 2015: Kristy presents at the Materials Research Society (MRS) 2015 Fall Meeting in Boston, MA.
- Sept 2015: Kristy returns from Zürich to Austin.
- Sept 2015: Kristy presents at the European Materials Research Society (EMRS) 2015 Fall Meeting in Warsaw, Poland.
- August 2015: Kurt successfully defends his Ph.D. Thesis entitled, "First-Principles Studies of Perovskite Thin Films and Heterostructures." He now begins a post-doc at Stanford University/SLAC in Jens Norskov's group. Congratulations, Kurt!
- July 2015: Professor Demkov and Kristy present at the 19th Conference on "Insulating Films on Semiconductors" (INFOS) in Udine, Italy.
- May 2015: Kurt returns from Zürich to Austin. Farewell, Kurt!
- May 2015: Kurt presents invited talks at ETH and IBM.
- May 2015: Professor Demkov, Kurt, and Kristy present at the European Materials Research Society (EMRS) Spring Meeting in Lille, France.
- April 2015: Kristy's paper, Analysis of the Pockels effect in ferroelectric barium titanate thin films on Si(001) is published in Microelectronic Engineering.
- March 2015: Professor Demkov, Graduate Student Florian Fallegger, and Kristy present at the EuroMBE conference in Canazei, Italy.
- March 2015: Kristy speaks on a graduate student panel for UT's Undergraduate Women in Physics (uWIP) .
- March 2015: Kurt and Kristy attend the APS March Meeting 2015 in San Antonio, TX.
- Feb 2015: Kristy presents posters for NSF-IRES and UT Women in Physics at the UT Graduate Student Recruitment.
- Jan 2015: Kristy returns from Zürich to Austin.
- Feb 2015: Graduate Student Kurt Fredrickson wins the Ovshinsky Student Travel Award for Materials Physics. Congratulations, Kurt!
- 2014
- Oct 2014: Professor Alex Demkov visits IBM ZRL and delivers an invited talk at Paul Scherrer Institut.
- Sept 2014: Graduate Student Kristy Kormondy departs Austin for Zürich. Safe travels, Kristy!
- International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) award 1358111
- Advanced Atomic Design Lab at The University of Texas at Austin Department of Physics
- Materials Integration & Nanoscale Devices (MIND) group at IBM ZRL
- Alice in Wonderland Physics Summer Experience for Girls
- Women in Physics at UT Austin