The Physics Circus
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Our Demonstrations

Here is a list of most of our demonstrations with a short explanation. We do most of these demos at our shows, but we do change things up from time to time.

States of Matter

Flask/Stopper — Liquid→gas phase transition. Seal liquid nitrogen in a flask with a stopper, which then pops out.
Liquid Nitrogen and Balloons — Gas→liquid phase transition. Place a long balloon in liquid nitrogen so that it cools and shrinks.
Banana Hammer — Liquid→solid phase transition. Hammer a nail with a frozen banana.
Racquetball Drop — Effect of temperature on polymers. Freeze and shatter a racquetball.
Frozen Graham Crackers — Freeze some graham crackers in liquid nitrogen and eat them so smoke blows out of mouth and nose.

Gasses and Pressure

Bernoulli Bags — Compare two different methods for inflating a large bag.
Bernoulli Ball — Levitate a ball with a leaf blower and Bernoulli's Principle.
Vacuum Chamber — Evacuate air from a chamber containing a partially-inflated balloon.
Vacuum Chamber — Evacuate air from a chamber containing some marshmallows.
Magdeburg Hemispheres — Remove the air from a pair of hemispheres and try to pull them apart.


Van de Graff Generator — Generate sparks using a Van de Graff generator.
Generator/Pie Tins — Show repulsion of like charges by placing pie tins on top of generator.
Pickle — Dissipation of electrical energy in a medium. Run AC current through a pickle.


Bottle Explosion — Vaporization pressure change — Seal a plastic bottle with liquid nitrogen in it. This is best done outside, depending on the size of the room.
Soap Explosion — Demonstrate volume change during vaporization. Dump liquid nitrogen into a bucket of soapy water. This almost certainly needs to be done outside.

Demo Videos

Follow the links below to view in-depth explanations and videos of some of our demonstrations! (QuickTime plug-in required)