Our research group studies structural, electronic, magnetic, and vibrational properties of bulk materials, surfaces and thin films. We use a broad range of experimental methods including electron spectroscopy, elastic and inelastic electron scattering, and optical techniques including microscopy and polarimetry based on the magneto-optic Kerr effect. We also use synchrotron radiation, primarily for photoemission spectroscopy.
Early Work on Linear and Circular Magnetic Dichroism
- core levels in magnetic metals (refs. 8,10,11)
Synchrotron Radiation/Photoemission Studies of:
- bulk electronic properties/ferromagnets (refs. 20, 32, 94)
- surface states on magnetic metals (refs. 17, 21, 31, 89)
- electronic structure/epitaxial magnetic films (refs. (40, 48, 90)
- spin-polarized electron studies (refs. 87, 96, 98)
- core-level shifts (refs. 113, 116, 117, 146)
- hydrogen/Nb surface interactions (refs. 76, 79)
- finite temperature magnetism/exchange (refs. 87, 94)
- surface magnetism Gd (ref. 99)
- layer-dependent electronic structure (refs. 86, 96, 115)
Inelastic Electron Scattering/Surface Lattice Dynamics:
- structure analysis based on surface vibrations (refs. 36, 38, 39)
- metal surface/H interactions (refs. 41, 58, 66)
- vibrational resonances/scattering (refs. 45, 57)
- detection of shear surface modes (ref. 78)
- reviews inelastic scattering/lattice dynamics (refs. 59, 128)
- scattering mechanisms (refs. 27, 45, 57)
Surface Chemistry/Adsorption:
- orientation of methoxy on Ni(111) (ref. 15)
- photoemission/Xenon (refs. 18, 51, 61)
- nitrogen states on W(100) (ref. 72)
Fast Laser Pulse Photoemission (refs. 79, 80, 88, 101, 104, 105)
Thin Magnetic Films/Magneto-optic Kerr Effect :
- spin-polarized photoemission dilemma (ref. 4)
- critical exponents/anisotropy (refs. 68, 74, 77, 93, 138)
- dead layers/search for surface magnetism (refs. 82, 92, 141)
- surface step induced anisotropy (refs. 97, 100, 128, 129, 131, 132)
- review (ref. 110)
- hysteresis dynamics (refs. 119, 121, 123, 134, 138)
- enhanced moments/ultrathin films (ref. 109)
- domain-wall dynamics/spin-torque (refs. 133, 135, 136, 139, 142, 143, 144, 145)
Surface Structure Analysis:
- order-disorder transition W(100) c(2x2) (ref. 114)
- photoelectron diffraction W(110) (ref. 103)
- LEED crystallography Rh(001) and H/Rh(001) (ref. 122)
- LEED crystallography W(110)/surface roughness (ref. 124)
- Surface relaxation (refs. 125, 126, 140, 141)
Instrumentation Papers:
- angle-resolving analyzer/photoemission (refs. 19, 30)
- multichannel detection/electron optics (refs. 37, 70)
- synchrotron monochromators (refs. 43, 61, 73, 106, 130)
- Kerr effect instrument (ref. 74)
- spin detection/Mott polarimeter (ref. 108)
- time-of-flight photoemission/channel plate response (ref. 88)
- high-speed Kerr polarimeter/microscope (ref. 127, 137)
- high-resolution LEED (ref. 102)
- electron energy analyzers (refs. 47, 111)