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- J. L. Erskine, "Surface States and the Photoelectron Spin Polarization of Ni(100)," Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 1446 (1980).
- J. L. Erskine, "Angle-resolved Photoelectron Emission from Isolated Xenon Atoms on W(100)," Phys. Rev. B 24, 2236 (1981).
- G. K. Ovrebo and J. L. Erskine, "Angle-resolving Photoelectron Energy Analyzer Designed for Synchrotron Radiation Spectroscopy," J. Electron Spect. and Rel. Phenom. 24, 189 (1981).
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- A. M. Turner, Yu-Jeng Chang and J. L. Erskine, "Surface States and the Photoelectron Spin Polarization of Fe(100)," Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 348 (1982).
- R. L. Strong and J. L. Erskine, "High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Study of the Oxidation of Al(111),",Phys. Rev. B 25, 5547 (1982).
- R. L. Strong, B. Firey, F. W. deWette, and J. L. Erskine, "Surface Site Determination Using EELS and Lattice Dynamical Models: Application to O/Al(111),",Phys. Rev. B 26, 3482 (1982) (Rapid Communications).
- Yu-Jeng Chang and J. L. Erskine, "Electronic Structure of NiSi2," Phys. Rev. B 26, 7031 (1982).
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- B. M. Davies and J. L. Erskine, "Azimuthal Dependence of Impact Scattering in Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy," J. Electron Spect. and Rel. Phenom. 29, 323 (1983).
- R. L. Strong, B. Firey, F. W. deWette, and J. L. Erskine, "Adsorbate Structure Modeling Based on Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy and Lattice Dynamical Calculations: Applications to O/Al(111)," J. Electron Spect. and Rel. Phenom. 29, 187 (1983).
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- H. A. Stevens, A. M. Turner, A. W. Donoho, and J. L. Erskine, "Angle-resolving Photoelectron Energy Analyzer: Mode Calculations, Ray Tracing Analysis and Performance Evaluation," J. Electron Spect. and Rel. Phenom. 32, 327 (1983).
- A. M. Turner and J. L. Erskine, "Magnetic Exchange Splitting and Band Dispersion of Surface States on Fe(100)," Phys. Rev. B 28, 5628 (1983).
- A. M. Turner, A. W. Donoho and J. L. Erskine, "Experimental Bulk Electronic Properties of Ferromagnetic Iron," Phys. Rev. B 29, 2986 (1984).
- A. M. Turner and J. L. Erskine, "Surface Electronic Properties of Fe(100)," Phys. Rev. B 30, 6675 (1984).
- R. L. Strong and J. L. Erskine, "A New Lens System for Surface Vibrational Spectroscopy at High Impact Energies," Rev. of Sci. Instrum. 55, 1304 (1984).
- J. L. Erskine and Yu-Jeng Chang, "Selective Growth, Diffusion Layers, and the Schottky Barrier Height in Nickel Silicide-Silicon Interfaces," Mat. Res. Soc. Proc. 25, 353 (1984).
- R. L. Strong and J. L. Erskine, "A Simple Lattice Dynamical Slab Model for Interpreting Surface Vibrational Spectra: Application to Oxygen on Ni(100) and Ni(111)," Phys. Rev. B 31, 6305 (1985).
- F. Hadjarab and J. L. Erskine, "Image Properties of the Hemispherical Analyzer Applied to Multichannel Energy Detection," J. Electron Spect. and Rel. Phenom. 36, 227 (1985).
- R. L. Strong and J. L. Erskine, "Adsorbate Structure Determination Using Surface Vibrational Spectroscopy," Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, 346 (1985).
- R. L. Strong and J. L. Erskine, "Investigation of Underlayer Formation by Oxygen on Al(111) and Ti(0001)," J. Vac. Sci. and Tech. A 3, 1428 (1985).
- M. A. Thompson and J. L. Erskine, "Electronic Properties of p(1x1) Ni Films on Cu(100)," Phys. Rev. B 31, 6832 (1985) (Rapid Communications).
- J. P. Woods and J. L. Erskine, "Experimental Investigation of b1H on W(100) Using High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy: Bond Distances, Scattering Mechanisms and Impact Scattering Selection Rules," Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 2595 (1985).
- M. F. Onellion and J. L. Erskine, "Experimental Observation of Adsorbate Orbital Splitting at Single Crystal Metal Surfaces," Phys. Rev. B 33, 1440 (1986).
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- J. L. Erskine, "High-Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy: Explored Regions and the Frontier," J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A 4, 1282 (1986).
- J. P. Woods and J. L. Erskine, "Surface Vibrational Resonances and the Order-disorder Transformation at the W(100) Surface," J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A 4, 1414 (1986).
- M. F. Onellion, J. L. Erskine, Y. Kime, S. Varma, and P. A. Dowben, "Structure Induced Electronic States for Hg Overlayers on Ag(100)," Phys. Rev. B 33, 8833 (1986).
- J. L. Erskine, "Advanced Electron Optics for Vibrational Spectroscopy," J. Electron Spectr. and Rel. Phenom. 39, 265 (1986).
- M. F. Onellion, C. L. Fu, M. A. Thompson, J. L. Erskine, and A. J. Freeman, "Electronic Structure and Properties of Epitaxial Fe on Cu(100): Theory and Experiment," Phys. Rev. B 33, 7322 (1986) (Rapid Communications).
- S. Varma, Y. J. Kime, P. A. Dowben, M. F. Onellion, and J. L. Erskine, "Resonant Photoemission at the 5p and 4f Thresholds of Mercury," Phys. Lett. A 116, 66 (1986).
- B. P. Tonner, H. Li, M. J. Robrecht, Y. C. Chou, M. Onellion, and J. L. Erskine, "Temperature Dependence of Photoelectron Scattering from a Monolayer," Phys. Rev. B 34, 4386 (1986) (Rapid Communications).
- M. F. Onellion and J. L. Erskine, "Rare Gas Physisorption on Potassium Treated Ni(100)," Surface Science Lett. 177, L983 (1986).
- Ying Li, J. L. Erskine, and A. Diebold, "High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy of Hydrogen Chemisorption at Nb(100) Surfaces: Evidence for Subsurface Adsorption Sites," Phys. Rev. B 34, 5951 (1986).
- J. L. Erskine, M. F. Onellion, and M. A. Thompson, "Exploring Magnetic Properties of Epitaxial Films and Superlattices," Proc. Mat. Res. Soc. 77, 111 (1986).
- J. L. Erskine (Book Review) "Electronic Properties of Surfaces," M. Prutton (ed.), Physics Today, Aug. 1986, p. 62.
- M. F. Onellion, M. A. Thompson, J. L. Erskine, A. Patten, and C. B. Duke, "Epitaxial Growth of fcc Fe on Cu(100)," Surface Science 179, 219 (1987).
- B. P. Tonner, H. Li, M. J. Robrecht, M. F. Onellion, and J. L. Erskine, "Photoemission Study of the Valence Band of Pb Monolayers on Ge(111)," Phys. Rev.B 36, 989 (1987).
- J. P. Woods and J. L. Erskine, "High-resolution Low-energy Electron Reflection from W(100) Using the Electron Energy Loss Spectrometer: A Step Towards Quantitative Analysis of Surface Vibrational Spectra," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 5, 435 (1987).
- J. P. Woods, A. D. Kulkarni, J. L. Erskine and F. W. deWette, "Vibrational Properties of β1-H and β1-D on W(001): Electron Energy Loss Measurements and Lattice-dynamical Calculations," Phys. Rev. B 36, 5848 (1987).
- J. L. Erskine, "High-resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy," CRC Critical Reviews, CRC Press,13, (4), 311 (1987).
- Bo-Shung Fang, C. A. Ballentine, and J. L. Erskine, "Electronic Properties of Nb and H Treated Nb Surfaces," Phys. Rev. B 36, 7360 (1987) (Rapid Communications).
- D. C. Anacker and J.L. Erskine, "Design of NSLS Undulator Beamline U5 for Spin-polarized Photoemission Spectroscopy," Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 266, 336 (1988).
- M. F. Onellion and J.L. Erskine, "Experimental Test of the Photoemission of Adsorbed Xenon Model," Phys. Rev. B 36, 4495 (1987) (Rapid Communications).
- P.A. Dowben, Y.J. Kime, Shikha Varma, M. Onellion, and J.L. Erskine, "The Interaction of Hg Overlayers with an Ag(100) Surface," Phys. Rev. B 36, 2519 (1987).
- M. F. Onellion, P.A. Dowben, and J.L. Erskine, "The Relationship Between the Crystallographic Order and Electronic Structure of Mercury Thin Films," Phys. Lett. A 130, 171 (1988).
- J. Araya-Pochet, C.A. Ballentine, T.-Y. Hsieh, and J.L. Erskine, "Magneto-optic Kerr Effect Studies of Two-dimensional Magnetism," Proc. Solvay Conf. on Surface Science, (ed.) F.W. deWette, Springer-Verlag (1988).
- J.L. Erskine, J.P. Woods, A.D. Kulkarni, and F.W. deWette, "Surface Vibrations on Clean and Hydrogen Saturated W(100)," J. of Electron Spectr. and Rel. Phenom. 44, 27 (1987).
- B.-S. Fang, C.A. Ballentine, and J.L. Erskine, "Bulk Plasmon Enhanced Photoemission from Nb(100) Surface Resonances," Phys. Rev. B 38, 4299 (1988) (Rapid Communications).
- J. Araya-Pochet, C.A. Ballentine, and J.L. Erskine, "Thickness and Temperature Dependent Spin Anisotropy of Ultra-thin Epitaxial Fe Films on Ag(100)," Phys. Rev. B 38, 7846 (1988) (Rapid Communications).
- B.-S. Fang, C.A. Ballentine, and J.L. Erskine, "Hydrogen Adsorption at Nb(100): Photoemission Evidence of Two-state Exchange Involving Subsurface States," Surface Science Letters 204, L713 (1988).
- Eue-Jin Jeong and J.L. Erskine, "Multichannel Detection High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectrometer," Rev. of Sci. Instrum. 60, 3139 (1989).
- J.L. Erskine, C.A. Ballentine, J. Araya-Pochet, and R.L. Fink, "Synchrotron Radiation Studies of Magnetic Materials," Proc. Materials Res. Soc. 143, 45 (1989).
- A. Sellidj and J.L. Erskine, "Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Studies of Nitrogen Adsorption on W(100)," Surface Science 220, 253 (1989).
- D.C. Anacker, W. Hale, and J.L. Erskine, "An Algorithm for Computer Simulation of Undulators and Wigglers," Nucl. Instrum. and Methods, A 284, 514 (1989).
- C.A. Ballentine, R.L. Fink, Jose Araya-Pochet, and J.L. Erskine, "Exploring Magnetic Properties of Ultra-thin Epitaxial Magnetic Structures Using Magneto-optical Techniques," Applied Physics A 49, 459 (1989).
- P.A. Dowben, M.F. Onellion, S. Varma, Y.K. Kime, and J.L. Erskine, "The Influence of Crystallographic Order Upon the Electronic Structure of Thin Mercury Overlayers," J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A 7, 2070 (1989).
- A. Sellidj and J.L. Erskine, "A Tandem Four-element Lens System for Surface Electron Spectroscopy Studies," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 61, 49 (1990).
- C.A. Ballentine, R.L. Fink, Jose Araya-Pochet, and J.L. Erskine, "Magnetic Phase Transition in a Two-dimensional System: p(1x1) Ni on Cu(111)," Phy. Rev. B 41, 2631 (1990) (Rapid Communications) .
- J.L. Erskine, Eue-Jin Jeong, Joan Yater, Y. Chen, and S.Y. Tong, "Detection of Odd Symmetry Shear Modes at Metal Surfaces by Inelastic Electron Scattering: Experiment and Theory," J. Vac. Sci. and Tech. A 8, 2649 (1990).
- W.C. Banyai, D.C. Anacker, X.Y. Wang, D.H. Reitze, G.B. Focht, M.D. Downer, and J.L. Erskine, "Measurement of Transient, High-Temperature Electrons from Solid-Density Plasmas," (submitted to Optical Society of America and CLEO) (1990); Topical Meeting on Ultrafast Phenomena; Monterey, CA, May 14-17, 1990. "Femtosecond Photoemission and Reflectivity Measurements of High Temperature Electron Dynamics in Solid Density Plasmas," C.B. Harris, E.P. Ippen, G.A. Mourou, and A. Zewail (eds.) Ultrafast Phenomena VII , Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, (1990) in press.
- M.C. Downer, W.C. Banyai, W.M. Wood, D.C. Anacker, and J.L. Erskine, "Interaction of Super-intense Light Fields with Atoms and Surfaces," Keith A. Nelson, Dana D. Dlott, R.J. Swayne-Miller, Herschel Pilloff (Eds.) Proceedings SPIE 1209, 166-174 (1990).
- R.L. Fink, C.A. Ballentine, J.L. Erskine, and Jose A. Araya-Pochet, "Experimental Probe for Thin Film Magnetism in p(1x1) Pd and V on Ag(100)," Phys. Rev. B 41, 10175 (1990).
- J. Araya-Pochet, C.A. Ballentine, and J.L. Erskine, "Dead Layers in Thin Film Magnetism: p(1x1) Ni on Ag(100) and Ag(111)," Magnetic Properties of Low-Dimensional Systems II (eds.) L.M. Falicov, F. Mej?-Lira, and J.L. Mor?-L?ez, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 50 (1990).
- J.L. Erskine and R.L. Fink, "New Opportunities in Spin-polarized Photoemission Spectroscopy," J. Appl. Phys. 67, 5699 (1990) [invited].
- Shikha Varma, Y.J. Kime, D. LaGraffe, P.A. Dowben, M. Onellion, and J.L. Erskine, "The Effect of Crystallography on the Hg 5d Branching Ratios,",J. Chem. Phys. 93, (4) 2819 (1990).
- J.E. Yater, A.D. Kulkarni, F.W. de Wette, and J.L. Erskine, "Surface phonons of Ag(110): The Importance of Odd-symmetry Modes in Seeking Accurate Interaction Models," J. of Elect. Spectr. and Rel. Phenom. 54/55, 395 (1990).
- G.A. Mulhollan, R.L. Fink, J.L. Erskine, and G.K. Walters, "Local Spin Correlations in Ultra-thin Fe/W(100) Films," Phys. Rev. B 43, 13,645 (1991).
- R.L. Fink, G.A. Mulhollan, A.B. Andrews, J.L. Erskine, and G.K. Walters, "Spin and Angle-resolved Photoemission Studies of 1-3 Monolayer Films of p(1x1) Fe on W(100)," J. of Appl. Phys. 69, 4986 (1991).
- D.C. Anacker and J.L. Erskine, "Analysis of Microchannel Plate Response in Relation to Pulsed Laser Time-of-Flight Photoemission Spectroscopy," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 62, 1246 (1991).
- Dongqi Li, C.W. Hutchings, P.A. Dowben, C. Hwang, Rong-Tzong Wu, M. Onellion, A.B. Andrews, and J.L. Erskine, "Angle-resolved Photoemission Evidence for a Gd(0001) Surface State," J. Mag. and Mag. Mat. 99, 85 (1991).
- Dongqi Li, C.W. Hutchings, P.A. Dowben, C. Hwang, Rong-Tzong Wu, M. Onellion, A.B. Andrews, and J.L. Erskine, "Development of the Gd(0001) Band Structure with Film Thickness," J. Appl. Phys. 70, 6565 (1991).
- J. Araya-Pochet, G.A. Mulhollan, and J.L. Erskine, "A Simple Substitute for Knudsen Cells Using an Existing Pendant-drop Type Electron Beam Evaporator," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 62, 2288 (1991).
- G.A. Mulhollan, R.L. Fink, and J.L. Erskine, "A Surface Magneto-optic Kerr Effect Probe for Magnetization in Monolayer p(1x1) Rh on Ag(100)," Phys. Rev. B 44, 2393 (1991) (Rapid Communications) .
- Jian Chen, Maria Drakaki, and J.L. Erskine, "Chemisorption Induced Change in Thin Film Spin Anisotropy: Oxygen Adsorption on the p(1x1)Fe/Ag(100) System," Phys. Rev. B 45, 3636 (1992).
- Bongsoo Kim, A.B. Andrews, J.L. Erskine, Kwang Joo Kim, and B.N. Harmon, "Temperature Dependent Conduction Band Exchange Splitting in Ferromagnetic hcp Gadolinium: Theoretical Predictions and Photoemission Experiments," Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 1931 (1992).
- G.S. Herman, J.C. Woicik, A.B. Andrews and J.L. Erskine, "High-Resolution Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of (√3 x √3) R30o Ag on Si(111), : Surf. Sci. Letters, 290, L643 (1993).
- G.A. Mulhollan, A.B. Andrews, and J.L. Erskine, "Layer-dependent Spin-polarized 3p Core-level Photoemission from Ultra-thin Fe Films," Phys. Rev. B 46, 11,212 (1992).
- Jian Chen and J.L. Erskine, "Surface Step Induced Magnetic Anisotropy in Thin Epitaxial Fe Films on W(001)," Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 1212 (1992).
- R.L. Fink, G.A. Mulhollan, A.B. Andrews, J.L. Erskine, and G.K. Walters, "Spin- and Angle-resolved Photoemission Study of Chemisorbed p(1x1) O on Epitaxial Ultra-thin Fe/W(001) Films," Phys. Rev. B 45, 9824 (1992).
- G.A. Mulhollan, K. Garrison, J.L. Erskine, "Surface Magnetism of Gd(0001): Evidence of Ferromagnetic coupling to Bulk," Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 3240 (1992).
- D.-J. Huang, J.-Y. Lee, G.A. Mulhollan, and J.L. Erskine, "Influence of Surface Atomic Steps on the In-Plane Anisotropy of Ultrathin Fe Films on W(001)," J. Appl. Phys. 73, 6751 (1993)
- D.M. Riffe, X.Y. Wang, M.C. Downer, D.L. Fisher, T. Tajima, and J.L. Erskine, "Femtosecond Thermionic Emission from Metals in the Space-charge Limited Regime", J. Opt. Soc. of America 10B, 1424 (1993).
- F.-K. Men, B.L. Clothier, and J.L. Erskine, "A Low-energy-electron Diffraction System Using a High Performance Electron Gun and Position-sensitive Detectors," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 67, 1883 (1993).
- B. Kim, J. Chen, J.L. Erskine, W.N. Mei, and C.M. Wei, "Surface and Bulk Photoelectron Diffraction from W(110) 4f Core Levels," Phys. Rev. B48, 4735 (1993).
- X.Y. Wang, D.M. Riffe, M.C. Downer, J.L. Erskine, D.L. Fisher, T. Tajima, M. Rashed, C.M. Maziar, and R.M. More, "Electron emission from metal surfaces excited by intense femtosecond pulses." In Short Wavelength V: Physics with Intense Laser Pulses, M.D. Perry and P.B. Corkum (eds.) Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C., 1993, pp. 213-215.
- M.C. Downer, D.M. Riffe, X.Y. Wang, J.L. Erskine, D.L. Fisher, T. Tajima, and R.M. More, Femtosecond thermionic emission: experiment, analytical theory, and particle simulations," in Ultrafast Phenomena VIII, J-L. Martin, A. Migus, G.A. Mourou, and A.H. Zewail (eds.) Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 1993, 335-337.
- N.V. Smith, S.L. Hulbert, P.D. Johnson, and J.L. Erskine, "Spherical Grating Monochromator System with Circular-polarization Capability for the U5U Undulator at Brookhaven," Nuclear Instrum. Methods in Physics Research A 347, 119 (1994).
- N.D. Shinn, B. Kim, A.B. Andrews, J.L. Erskine, K.J. Kim and T.-H. Kang, "Soft X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Bi-metallic Interfacial Bonding", MRS Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 307, 167 (1993).
- Di-Jing Huang, Jae-Yong Lee, Jih-Shih Suen, G.A. Mulhollan and J.L. Erskine, "Adapting a Compact Mott-Spin-Polarimeter to a Large Commercial Electron Energy Analyzer for Spin-Polarized Electron Spectroscopy," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 64, 3474 (1993).
- C.L. Wooten, J. Chen, G.A. Mulhollan, J.L. Erskine and J.T. Markert, "Direct Observation of Enhanced Magnetic Moments in Fe/Ag(100)," Phys. Rev. B49, 10,023 (1994).
- J.L. Erskine and S.D. Bader, "Magneto-optical Effects in Ultra-thin Magnetic Structures," Magnetism in Ultrathin Films, B. Heinrich and J.A.C. Bland, eds, Springer-Verlag, 1994 (Invited).
- J.L. Erskine, "Electron Energy Analyzers," Chapter 3 in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Vol. 29A, Experimental Methods, F.B. Dunning and R.G. Hulet, Eds, Academic Press (1995) (Invited).
- F.K. Men and J.L. Erskine, "Metastable Oxygen-induced ordered Structure on the Si(001) Surface," Phys. Rev. B50, 11,200 (1994).
- D.M. Riffe, B. Kim, J.L. Erskine and N.D. Shinn, "Surface Core Level Shifts and Atomic Coordination at Stepped W(110) Surfaces," Phys. Rev. B50, 14,481 (1994).
- J. Lee, D.-J. Huang and J.L. Erskine, "Forward Electron Scattering Study of the Surface Structure and Phase Transition on W(001)," Phys. Rev. B51, 13,824 (1995).
- D.-J. Huang, D.M. Riffe and J.L. Erskine, "Simultaneous Determination of Fe 3p Spin-Orbit and Exchange Splittings in Photoemission," Phys. Rev. B 51, 15,170 (1995).
- D.M. Riffe, W. Hale, B. Kim and J.L. Erskine, "Conduction Electron Screening in Bulk and at Low Index Surfaces of Ta Metal," Phys. Rev. B51, 11,012 (1995)
- D.M. Riffe, W. Hale, B. Kim and J.L. Erskine, "Thermally Induced Core-Electron Binding Energy Shifts in Transition Metals: An Experimental Investigation of Ta(100)," Phys. Rev. B 54, 17,118 (1996).
- J.W. Ting, D.J. Reubins, D.-J. Huang and J.L. Erskine, "A High Current Pulse Generator for Magnetizing Thin Magnetic Films," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 67, 3,948 (1996).
- J.-S. Suen and J.L. Erskine, "Magnetic Hysteresis Dynamics: Thin p(1x1)Fe Films on Flat and Stepped W(110)," Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 3567 (1997).
- B. Doris, J. Fretwell, J.L. Erskine and S.K. Bannerjee, "Effects on in situ Doping from B2H6 and PH3 on Hydrogen Desorption and the Low Temperature Growth Mode of Si on Si(100) by Remote Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition," Appl. Phys. Lett. 20, 2819 (1997).
- J.L. Erskine and J.-S. Suen, "Scaling of Hysteresis in Pure and Disordered Ising Models: Comparison with Experiment," Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 1118 (1998).
- G. Teeter, D. Hinson, J.L. Erskine, C.B. Duke and A. Paton, "Surface Structure of Rh(001) and r(1?)H on Rh(001): An Unresolved Discrepancy between Experiment and Theory, Phys. Rev. B 57, 4073 (1998).
- Jih-Shin Suen, M.H. Lee, G. Teeter and J.L. Erskine, "Magnetic Hysteresis Dynamics of Thin Co Films on Cu(001)." Phys. Rev. B 59, 4249 (1999).
- G. Teeter, J.L. Erskine, F. Shi and M.A. Van Hove, "Surface Roughness and LEED Crystallography: Analysis of Flat and Vicinal W(110)," Phys. Rev. B 60, 1975 (1999).
- G. Teeter and J.L. Erskine, "Studies of Clean Surface Relaxation: Experiment-Theory Discrepancies," Surface Review and Letters 6, 813 (1999).
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Last Revision: Nov 20, 2005 by Jusang Yang, jsyang@physics.utexas.edu |
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