Quantum Field Theory: Scans of Lecture Notes

Most lectures — regular or extra — for the QFT classes are mirrored on Zoom and recorded on the cloud, with the records available on Canvas. Unfortunately, due to techical glitches some lectures do not get recorded. For these un-recorded lectures, I am going to scan my notes, post them on my web site, and link them to this page, see below.

Regular lecture #1 on August 26:
That class did not get recorded at all.
Fortunately, I used pre-made notes for the whole lecture:
Part 1: Syllabus and administration of the class.
Part 2: Reasons for QFT, field-particle duality.
Part 3: Intro to classical field theory: Lagrangian mechanics; classical fields; examples of field equations.
Regular lecture #14 on October 14:
The lecture is recorded and published on Canvas, but there was a lot of new material, and the students asked for the scanned notes. Here they are.

Last Modified: October 15, 2024.
Vadim Kaplunovsky