Angle-resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) system
A VG Scienta photoemission spectroscopy system was installed in January 2012 and is fully integrated with the vacuum transfer line allowing in situ sample exchange with the MBE and ALD deposition systems. The analysis system with a base pressure of 3x10-10 torr is equipped with a monochromated Al Kα x-ray source and a high intensity VUV 5000 He plasma-based ultraviolet source. This allows for high resolution measurements of both UPS valence band spectra and XPS core level spectra for composition and chemical state analysis. Full angular resolution is possible with a five-axis manipulator allowing for valence band mapping and depth profiling measurements. The manipulator can also be cooled down to about 150 K. The system is also equipped with an ion gun that can be used for both sample cleaning as well as for ion scattering spectroscopy.