Quantum Field Theory

Homeworks and Tests

Class of Dr. Kaplunovsky

All assignments and solutions linked to this page are in TeX-generated PDF format.

Fall 2011, QFT 1 (PHY 396 K class)

Homework assignments

  1. Set 1, due September 15; solutions.
  2. Set 2, due September 22; solutions.
  3. Set 3, due September 29.
    solutions to problems 1 and 2 (problem 3 is postponed to next homework).
  4. Set 4, due October 6; solutions.
  5. Set 5, due October 13; solutions.
  6. Set 6, due October 20; solutions.
  7. Set 7, due October 27; solutions.
  8. Set 8, due November 3; solutions.
  9. In lieu of Set 9, a reading assignment:
    §4.5 of the Peskin and Schroeder textbook about relation between the transition matrix elements M and the scattering cross sections or decay rates of unstable particles.
    Due Tuesday, November 15.
  10. Set 10: Problems 4.2 and 4.3 of the Peskin & Schroeder textbook, due November 22 (Tuesday); solutions.
  11. Set 11, due December 2 (Thursday); solutions.


Supplementary Notes

Recommended Reading

Last Modified: December 1, 2011.
Vadim Kaplunovsky