Quantum Field Theory: Lecture Log
Last regular lecture.
QFT 1, Fall 2020 semester
The Zoom sessions for all the regular lectures are at
The sessions for the extra lectures are at a different URL, namely
- August 27 (Thursday):
- Syllabus and admin:
course content, textbooks, prerequisites, homework, exams and grades, etc.
General introduction:
reasons for QFT; field-particle duality.
- August 28 (Friday):
- Review of classical mechanics:
Lagrangian and action; least action principle; Euler–Lagrange equation;
multiple dynamical variables; counting degrees of freedom.
Intro to classical fields:
Definition of a classical field; Lagrangian density; Euler–Lagrange equations for fields;
Klein–Gordon example; multiple fields; complex fields; Landau–Ginzburg example;
higher space derivatives and non-local Lagrangians for non-relativistic fields.
- September 1 (Tuesday):
- Non-relativistic and relativistic fields:
Higher space derivatives and non-local Lagrangians for non-relativistic fields;
relativistic sign conventions; Einstein summation convention;
relativistic ℒ and field equations; Klein–Gordon example;
multiple scalar fields.
Relativistic electromagnetic fields:
the 4–tensor Fμν=−Fνμ;
Maxwell equations in relativistic form;
the 4–vector potential Aμ and the gauge transforms;
the Lagrangian formulation;
current conservation and gauge invariance of the action; counting the EM degrees of freedom.
- September 3 (Thursday):
- Finished Relativistic electromagnetic fields:
current conservation and gauge invariance of the action; counting the EM degrees of freedom.
Review of canonical quantization:
Canonical quantization v. functional quantization;
Hamiltonian formalism in classical mechanics;
quantization, operators, and commutation relations;
Poisson brackets and commutator brackets.
- September 4 (Friday):
- Finished Review of canonical quantization:
Poisson brackets and commutator brackets.
Introduction to quantum fields:
Hamiltonian formalism for classical fields; quantum fields;
equal-time commutation relations; quantum Klein–Gordon equation.
- September 8 (Tuesday):
- Quantum fields and particles:
expanding free relativistic scalar fields into modes;
creation and annihilation operators for a bunch of harmonic oscillators;
eigenstates of the free quantum field's Hamiltonian;
identifying the identical bosons; the Fock space.
- September 10 (Thursday):
- General identical bosons:
Bosonic Fock space and its occupation number basis;
creation and annihilation operators;
wave-function language vs. Fock-space language;
one-body operators; two-body operators; non-relativistic quantum fields;
“second quantization”.
- Regular lecture on September 11 (Friday):
- Relativistic normalization of states and operators:
Lorentz groups; momentum space geometry and Lorentz-invariant measure;
relativistic normalization of states and operators.
- Extra lecture on September 11 (Friday):
- Seeing classical motion in quantum mechanics:
Stationary states smear motion; wave packets and their motion; coherent states of a harmonic oscillator.
Seeing classical fields in QFT:
free fields are sums of harmonic oscillators; eigenstates show particles, coherent states show fields;
perturbation theory; BEC example (outline only).
- September 15 (Tuesday):
- Relativistic quantum fields:
Expanding a free time-dependent scalar field into products of plane waves and creation/annihilation operators;
massive vector field; charged scalar field and antiparticles; general free fields.
Intro to relativistic causality:
superluminal particles in `relativistic' QM; signals in QM and in QFT;
relativistic causality in QFT.
- September 17 (Thursday):
- Relativistic causality:
local operator and fields; proof for free scalar fields; going forward and backward in time;
causality for interacting fields.
Begin Feynman propagator for the scalar field:
why and how of time-ordering; defining the propagator; relation to D(x-y).
- September 18 (Friday):
- Feynman propagator for the scalar field:
Checking that the propagator is a Green's function; Green's function in momentum space;
regulating the integral over the poles; Feynman's choice;
other types of Green's functions;
Feynman propagators for vectors, spinor, etc., fields.
- September 22 (Tuesday):
- Feynman propagators for vector, spinor, etc. fields.
Overview of symmetries of field theories:
symmetries of the action; continuous and discrete symmetries;
internal and spacetime symmetries; global and local symmetries.
Noether theorem:
Global continuous symmetries and conserved currents;
generators and currents for the SO(N) example;
symmetry charges in the quantum theory; representation of the SO(N) symmetry in the Fock space;
the phase symmetry and the net number of particles minus antiparticles.
- September 24 (Thursday):
- Noether theorem:
Proof of the theorem; examples of Noether currents;
translation symmetry and the stress-energy tensor;
symmetrizing the Noether stress-energy tensor for non-scalar fields.
Local phase symmetry:
local symmetry and covariant derivatives; gauge field and gauge transforms;
algebra of covariant derivatives; coupling charged scalar fields to electromagnetism.
- Regular lecture on September 25 (Friday):
- Covariant Schroedinger equation.
Aharonov–Bohm effect:
Aharonov–Bohm effect; cohomology of the vector potential;
charge quantization and the compactness of the U(1) phase symmetry.
- Extra lecture on September 25 (Friday):
- Bose–Einstein condensate and superfluidity:
naive Bose–Einstein condensate as a coherent state;
classical and quantum fluctuation fields δφ(x);
Bogolyubov transform; ground state; fluctuation spectrum;
non-local force between helium atoms and the ‘rotons’;
fluctuation spectrum in a moving condensate and superfluidity.
- September 29 (Tuesday):
- Magnetic monopoles:
Heuristic picture; Dirac construction; charge quantization; gauge bundles.
Non-abelian local symmetries:
Covariant derivatives and matrix-valued connections; non-abelian gauge transforms;
Gell-Mann matrices and the component gauge fields.
- October 1 (Thursday):
- Non-abelian local symmetries:
infinitesimal gauge transforms in components; non-abelian tensions fields;
gauge transforms of the tension fields; the adjoint multiplet;
Yang–Mills theory and normalization of the gauge fields; gauge theories with matter.
Overview of group theory: Lie groups, Lie algebras, representaions, multiplets.
- October 2 (Friday):
- Gauge symmetries:
symmetry groups and multiplets of fields;
general local symmetry groups and Lie-algebra-valued gauge fields;
covariant derivatives for different multiplets types;
multiple gauge groups; Standard Model example.
- October 6 (Tuesday):
- Finish gauge symmetries:
classification of allowed gauge groups.
Lorentz symmetry:
generators and multiplet types; unitary but infinite particle representations;
little groups and Wigner theorem; massive particles have definite spins;
massless particles have definite helicities; tachyons have nothing;
maybe Wigner theorem in d≠4 dimensions.
- October 8 (Thursday):
- Tachyons: tachyons in QM;
Wigner theorem for the tachyons;
tachyon field and vacuum instability;
interactions and scalar VEVs (vacuum expectation values).
Lorentz symmetry:
finish Wigner theorem;
Lorentz multiplets of fields; (j+,j−) multiplets;
Weyl spinors and Spin(3,1)≅SL(2,C); vectors and bispinors; tensors.
- Regular lecture on October 9 (Friday):
- Finish Lorentz multiplets of fields:
vectors and bispinors; tensors.
Dirac spinors and spinor fields:
Lorentz spinor multiplet; Dirac equation.
- Extra lecture on October 9 (Friday):
- Vortices:
rotation and vortices in a superfluid; vortex energy; vortex in a superconductor; magnetic flux;
cosmic strings.
Other types of topological defects: domain walls, monopoles, YM instantons; codimension.
- October 13 (Tuesday):
- Dirac spinor fields:
covariance of the Dirac equation; Dirac conjugation; Dirac Lagrangian;
Hamiltonian for the quantum Dirac field.
Grassmann numbers and classical limits of fermionic fields.
- October 15 (Thursday):
- Fermionic algebra and Fock space:
Hilbert stace of one fermionic mode; multiple modes; Fermionic fock space; wave functions and operators.
Fermionic particles and holes:
particles and holes; holes as quasiparticles; Fermi sea, extra particles and holes.
- October 16 (Friday):
- Relativistic electrons and positrons.
Naive diagonalization of the Dirac Hamiltonian;
positrons as holes in the Dirac sea;
expanding the Dirac fields into creation and annihilation operators.
Charge conjugation symmetry:
- October 20 (Tuesday):
- Charge conjugation symmetry:
neutral particles and C-parity; Majorana fermions.
Dirac, Majorana, and Weyl fermions:
counting degrees of freedom; relations between Majorana and Weyl fermions;
Majorana mass term; massless and massive neutrinos.
- October 22 (Thursday):
- Parity and other discrete symmetries:
G-parity (briefly); parity; CP; time reversal (briefly); CPT theorem;
baryogenesys and Sakharov's criteria.
Chiral symmetry: vector, axial, and chiral symmetries;
the U(N)L×U(N)R chiral symmetry;
chiral symmetry in QCD; chiral gauge theories.
- Regular lecture on October 23 (Friday):
- Chiral symmetry:
vector, axial, and chiral symmetries for Weyl fermions;
U(N)L×U(N)R chiral symmetry;
chiral gauge theories; electroweak example; chiral symmetry in QCD.
- Extra lecture on October 23 (Friday):
- Fermionic fields in different spacetime dimensions:
Dirac spinor fields; mass breaks parity in odd d;
Weyl spinor fields in even d only; LH and RH Weyl spinors;
Majorana spinor fields in d≡0,1,2,3,4 (mod 8) only;
Majorana–Weyl spinors in d≡2 (mod 8);
complex, real, and pseudoreal representation;
Bott periodicity for spinors of SO+(a,b).
- October 27 (Tuesday):
- Relativistic causality for the fermions:
commuting and anticommuting fields;
checking anticommutativity of free Dirac fields at spacelike separation;
spin-statistics theorem.
Feynman propagator for Dirac fermions.
Introduction to perturbation theory:
interaction picture of QM; the Dyson series and the time-ordering.
Gave out the midterm exam.
- October 29 (Thursday):
- Perturbation theory in QFT and Feynman diagrams:
S matrix and its elements; vacuum sandwiches of field products; diagramatics;
combinatorics of similar terms; coordinate space Feynman rules;
vacuum bubbles and their cancellation; momentum space Feynman rules;
momentum conservation and connected diagrams; scattering amplidudes.
- October 30 (Friday):
- Perturbation theory in QFT and Feynman rules:
momentum space Feynman rules; momentum conservation and connected diagrams;
scattering amplidudes;
summary of Feynman rules for the λΦ4 theory.
Phase space factors.
- November 3 (Tuesday):
- Loop counting: loop counting for the λΦ4 theory;
adding cubic couplings; Mandelstam's s, t, and u;
multiple fields.
- November 5 (Thursday):
- Dimensional analysis:
dimensions of fields and couplings; trouble with δ<<0 couplings;
types of Δ≥0 couplings in 4D; other dimensions.
Began Intro to Quantum Electro Dynamics (QED):
quantizing EM fields; photon propagator in the Coulomb gauge..
- Regular lecture on November 6 (Friday):
- Finish Intro to QED:
photon propagator in various gauges.
QED Feynman rules:
propagators and vertices; external line factors;
Dirac indexology; Gordon identities; sign rules.
- Extra lecture on November 6 (Friday):
- Conformal symmetry:
definition; complex language in Euclidean 2D;
conformal symmetry group and its generators;
conformal algebra in d>2 dimensions, Euclidean or Minkowski.
Conformal field theories and their application:
world-sheet QFT in string theory; condenced matter at a critical point;
conformal window of QCD; AdS/CFT duality.
- November 10 (Tuesday):
- Coulomb scattering in QED:
diagrams and amplitudes; non-relativistic limit;
recovering the Coulomb potential;
electron-electron vs. electron-positron Coulomb scattering.
Muon pair production in QED,
the tree amplitude; the un-polarized scattering and the spin sums/averages;
Dirac trace techniques; traces for the muon pair production.
- November 12 (Thursday):
- Pair production in electron-positron collisions:
partial and total cross-sections for the muon pair production;
quark pair production and jets; hadronic production
and the R ratio.
Crossing symmetry:
electron-muon scattering vs. pair production; analytically continuing the amplitudes;
crossing symmetry in general; signs for crossed fermions;
Compton vs. annihilation example.
- November 13 (Friday):
- Ward Identities:
Ward identities for photons and gauge invariance of the amplitudes;
sums over photon polarizations.
Electron-positron annihilation
tree diagrams and the amplitude; checking the Ward identities;
summing over photon polarizations and averaging over fermions' spins.
- November 17 (Tuesday):
- Electron-positron annihilation:
Dirac traceology; summary and annihilation kinematics; annihilation cross-section;
crossing relation to Compton scattering.
Spontaneous symmetry breaking:
symmetric Lagrangian/Hamiltonian but asymmetric vacuum;
continuous families of degenerate vacua; massless particles; linear sigma model.
- November 19 (Thursday):
- Spontaneous symmetry breaking:
Wigner and Goldstone modes of symmetries; Goldstone theorem.
The Higgs Mechanism:
SSB of a local U(1) symmetry; massive photon ‘eats&rdsqo; the would-be Goldstone boson;
unitary gauge vs. gauge-invariant description.
- Regular lecture on November 20 (Friday):
- Non-Abelian Higgs Mechanism:
SU(2) with a doublet; SU(2) with a real triplet; general case.
- Extra lecture on November 20 (Friday):
- SSB of QCD's chiral symmetry and sigma models:
Chiral symmetry of QCD and its spontaneous breakdown (χSB);
pions as pseudo–Goldstone bosons; linear sigma model of χSB
non-linear sigma model; maybe general NLΣMs.
- November 24 (Tuesday):
- Glashow–Weinberg–Salam theory:
bosonic fields and the Higgs mechanism; unbroken electric charge Q=T3+Y;
masses of the vector fields and the Weinberg's mixing angle;
charged and neutral currents; Fermi's effective theory of weak interactions.
Fermion masses arising from scalar VEVs.
- December 1 (Tuesday):
- Fermions of the Glashow–Weinberg–Salam theory:
Higgs origin of quark and lepton masses;
charged and neutral weak currents of quarks and leptons.
Introduction to CKM matrix:
Cabibbo mixing and Kaon decays; GIM mechanism and the charm quark;
third family and the CKM matrix; the charged currents; flavor-changing weak decays.
Began origin of the CKM matrix:
SM fermions come in sets of 3 for each multiplet type; unitary charges of bases;
matrices of Yukawa couplings; mass matrices for Weyls fermions;
diagonalizing the mass matrices and forming the Dirac fermions;
basis mismatch for charge +2/3 and charge -1/3 quarks and the Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa (CKM) matrix.
- December 3 (Thursday):
- Finished the CKM matrix:
bases for the charged leptons and for the neutrinos;
neutral weak currents: diagonal in the Standard Model, but non-diagonal (flavor-changing) in other models.
Neutral Kaons:
GIM box and K^0↔K̅0 mixing; K-long and K-short;
CP eigenstates K1 and K2, and their decays to pions;
K-short regeneration;
semi-leptonic decays of neutral kaons; strangeness oscillations; the CPLEAR experiment.
Introduction to CP violation:
CPV in neutral kaon decays to pions; CPV in eigenstates and in decay rates; CPV in semi-leptonic decays;
CPV and the CKM matrix.
CP symmetry and its violation by weak interactions:
CP symmetry of chiral gauge theories; CP action on the W± and on the charged currents;
CP: CKM↔CKM*; quark phases and CKM phases; third family, Kobayashi, Maskawa, and CP violation.
- December 4 (Friday):
- Neutrino masses:
neutrino masses and oscillations; Dirac vs. Majorana masses of neutrinos; seesaw mechanism.
Gave out the final exam.
QFT 2, Spring 2021 semester
The Zoom sessions for all lectures on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays are at
The sessions for the Wednesday lectures — extra or make-up — are at a different URL, namely
- January 19 (Tuesday):
- Syllabus of the spring semester.
Loop diagrams: amputating the external leg bubbles.
Calculating a one-loop diagram: Feynman trick for denominators;
Wick rotation to the Euclidean momentum space; UV divergence.
- January 21 (Thursday):
- UV cutoff, long-distance effective field theories, and renormalization:
long-distance (low-energy) EFT and its independence on short-distance (high energy) details;
cutting off the UV momenta; one-loop amplitude; bare and physical couplings;
changing bare coupling to compensate for changing the UV cutoff;
perturbative expansion in powers of the physical coupling.
- January 22 (Friday):
- Overview of UV regulators: Wilson's hard edge; Pauli–Villars; higher derivatives.
- January 26 (Tuesday):
- Finished overview of UV regulators:
covariant higher derivatives; lattice (very briefly).
Dimensional regularization:
basics; momentum integrals in non-integral dimensions; d→4 limit;
(1/ε) as log(ΛUV).
Optical theorem: proof from unitarity of the S matrix.
- Extra lecture on January 27 (Wednessday):
- Resonances and unstable particles:
Breit–Wigner resonances in QM; resonances in QFT and unstable particles;
making a resonance in a collision; cross-sections and branching ratios;
quarkonia as resonaces in electron-positron collisions; calculating
- January 28 (Thursday):
- Optical theorem: application to
Im M1 loop in λφ4 theory;
mentioned cutting diagrams and putting cut propagators on-shell
(details in homework).
Correlation functions of quantum fields:
correlation functions; relation to the free fields and evolution operators; Feynman rules;
connected correlation functions.
- January 29 (Friday):
- The two-point correlation function:
Källén–Lehmann spectral representation; features of the spectral density function;
analytic two-point function F2(p2):
poles and particles; pole mass = physical particle mass; branch cuts and the multi-particle continuum;
physical and un-physical sheets of the Riemann surface; resonances.
Perturbation theory for the two-point function:
resumming the 1PI bubbles
- February 2 (Tuesday):
- Perturbation theory for the two-point function:
Σ(p2) and the renormalization of the mass and of the field strength;
mass renormalization in the λφ4 theory; fine tuning problem.
Quadratic UV divergences:
regulator dependence; dimensional regularization of quadratic divergences.
Field strength renormalization in the Yukawa theory:
calculating the one-loop diagram: the trace, the denominator and the numerator, Wick rotation;
the UV divergence structure:
- February 4 (Thursday):
- Finish
field strength renormalization in the Yukawa theory:
calculating the Σ(p2);
dΣ/dp2 and the scalar field strength renormalization.
Counterterms perturbation theory:
Feynman rules for the counterterms;
adjusting δZ, δm, and δλ
order by order in λ; one-loop examples.
Began counting the divergences:
superficial degree of divergence; graphs and subgraphs.
- February 5 (Friday):
- Counterterms and canceling the divergences:
classifying divergent graphs, subgraphs, and amplitudes; canceling overall divergences;
subgraph divergences and their cancelation in situ.
- February 9 (Tuesday):
- Finish divergence cancellation for λφ4:
nested and overlapping divergences; BPHZ theorem.
Divergences and renormalizability: supeficial degree of divergence in the φk theories;
super-renormalizable φ3 theory; super-renormalizable, renormalizable, and non-renormalizable theories;
trouble with non-renormalizability.
Dimensional analysis and renormalizability:
canonical dimensions of fields and couplings; power-counting renormalizability;
renormalizable theories in 4D; other dimensions.
- Extra lecture on February 10 (Wednesday):
- Relating the correlation functions
to the scattering amplitudes:
the amputated core and the external leg bubbles;
the poles for the on-shell pi0→±E(pi)
and their relations to the asymptotic x0i→±∞ limits;
the asymptotic |in〉 and 〈out| states and the LSZ (Lehmann–Symanzik–Zimmermann) reduction formula;
scattering amplitudes and the amputated diagrams.
- February 11 (Thursday):
- QED perturbation theory:
the counterterms and the Feynman rules;
divergent amplitudes and their momentum dependences; missing counterterms and Ward–Takahashi identities.
Dressed electron propagator.
- February 12 (Friday):
- Dressed photon propagator.
Σμν(k) at one loop order:
calculation; checking the WT identity; the divergence and the δ3 counterterm.
- No lectures on February 16, 18, and 19 (whole week):
- Cancelled due to bad weather.
- Extra lecture on February 23 (Tuesday):
- Vacuum energy and effective potentials:
zero-point energy and the Casimir effect; zero-point energy for fields with VEV-dependent masses;
Feynman diagrams for the vacuum energy; one-loop calculation;
general Coleman–Weinberg effective potential; Higgs mechanism induced by the Coleman–Weinberg potential.
- Make-up regular lecture on February 24 (Wednesday):
- Electric charge renormalization:
finish calculation of Π1 loop(k2):
the momentum integral, the δ3 counterterm, and the final result;
loop corrections to Coulomb scattering and other high-momentum processes;
effective QED coupling αeff(E) and its running with log(energy).
- February 25 (Thursday):
- Ward–Takahashi identities:
the identities; current conservation in quantum theories; contact terms;
formal proof of WT indentities; Z1=Z2.
- February 26 (Friday):
- Form factors:
probing nuclear and nucleon structure with electrons; the form factors;
on-shell form-factors
F1(q2) and F2(q2);
the gyromagnetic ratio.
Begin the dressed QED vertex at one loop:
the diagram and the denominator.
- March 2 (Tuesday):
- Dressed QED vertex at one loop:
numerator algebra; calculating the F2 form factor and the anomalous magnetic moment;
the experimental and the theoretical electron's and muon's magnetic moments at high precision.
The electric from factor F1(q2) at one loop:
momentum integral; integral over Feynman parameters diverges; hints of IR divergence.
- Make-up regular lecture on March 3 (Wednesday):
- Infrared divergence in QED:
IR divergence of the one-loop vertex correction; regulating the IR divergence with photon mass;
calculating the regulated F1(q2); δ1 counterterm;
momentum dependence of the IR divergence; Sudakov's douboe logarithms.
Begin Virtual and real soft photons:
IR divergence of exclusive cross-sections due to virtual soft photons.
soft-photon bremmsstrahlung and its IR divergence; finite inclusive cross-section.
- March 4 (Thursday):
- Virtual and real soft photons:
soft-photon bremmsstrahlung and its IR divergence;
finite inclusive cross-sections (with or without soft photons);
detectable vs. undetectable photons, the observed cross-sections, and their finiteness;
briefly: higher loops and/or more soft photons.
Consequences of infrared divergence:
Ill-defined Fock space in QED and other gauge theories; soft and collinear gluons in QCD;
jets in theory and in experiment.
- March 5 (Friday):
- Gauge dependence in QED:
gauge-dependent off-shell amplitudes and counterterms;
Symmetries and counterterms:
counterterms in general renormalizable QFT's;
naturally small and unnaturally small couplings; Yukawa and QED examples.
Began intro to renormalization group:
large log problem for E≫m; resumming leading logs in terms of runnibg λ(E).
- March 9 (Tuesday):
- Intro to renormalization group:
large logarithms and running coupling λ(E);
off-shell renormalization schemes for couplings and counterterms.
Renormalization group basics:
anomalous dimensions of quantum fields; running couplings and β functions.
Renormalization group equation for the λφ4 theory:
solving the equation (in the one-loop approximation); no running below the mass threshold;
boundary condition for the RGE and the threshold correction.
- Make-up regular lecture on March 10 (Wednesday):
- Renormalization group for QED:
anomalous dimensions; βe to one-loop order;
solving the RGE for QED; threshold correction and 2 loop correction.
Renormalization groups for general QFTs:
β–functions for general couplings; Yukawa theory as an example;
solving coupled RGEs.
- March 11 (Thursday):
- Types of RG flows:
β>0, Landau poles, and UV incompleteness;
β<0, QCD example, and asymptotic freedom; ΛQCD;
non-perturbative strong interactions at low energies.
Chromomagnetic monopole condensation and quark confinement.
- March 12 (Friday):
- Fixed points β(g*)=0 of RG flows:
scale invariance and conformal symmetry; UV stability vs. IR stability;
Banks–Zaks conformal window of QCD.
- March 16–19:
- Spring break, no classes.
- March 23 (Tuesday):
- RG flows for multiple couplings:
Yukawa example; RG flows in the coupling space: fixed points and attractive lines.
Direction of UV flow: IR to UV or UV to IR?
Relevant, irrelevant, and marginal operators; effective field theories.
- Make-up regular lecture on March 24 (Wednesday):
- Renormalisation schemes:
scheme dependence of the couplings and the β–functions;
the minimal subtraction schemes MS and MS-bar;
extracting β–functions from residues of the 1/ε poles.
- March 25 (Thursday):
- Introduction to path integrals:
path integrals in QM; the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian forms of the path integral;
derivation of the Hamiltonian form;
Lagrangian path integrals — derivation and normalization;
partition function; harmonic oscillator example.
Gave out the midterm exam.
- March 26 (Friday):
- Functional integrals in QFT:
“path” integrals for quantum fields; correlation functions;
free fields and propagators; perturbation theory and Feynman rules;
sources and generating functionals.
- March 30 (Tuesday):
- Functional integrals in QFT:
sources and generating functionals.
Euclidean path integrals:
convergence problems of path integrals; Euclidean time;
discretization; harmonic oscillator example.
- April 1 (Thursday):
- QFT and StatMech:
Functional integrals in Euclidean spacetime;
QFT↔StatMech analogy; coupling as temperature;
QFT on a discrete lattice; lattice as a UV cutoff;
recovering rotational / Lorentz symmetry in the continuum limit;
custodial symmetries.
- April 2 (Friday):
- Fermions and Grassmann numbers:
Grassmann numbers; Berezin integrals;
Gaussian integrals over fermionic variables;
functional integrals over fermionic fields;
free Dirac field in Euclidean spacetime.
- April 6 (Tuesday):
- Integrating over fermion fields in QED:
Dirac field in Euclidean spacetime;
functional integral in EM background: the determinant, and the source term;
Det(D̸+m) and the electron loops; 1/(D̸+m) and the tree diagrams.
Functional integral for the EM field:
gauge transforms as redundancies; gauge-fixing conditions and the Faddeev–Popov determinants;
Landau-gauge propagator from the functional integral;
gauge-averaging, gauge-fixing terms, and the Feynman gauge.
- Extra lecture on April 7 (Wednesday):
- Gauge theories on the lattice (abelian):
local U(1) symmetry on the lattice; gauge fields and link variables;
covariant lattice derivatives; plaquettes and tension fields; lattice EM action;
lattice ‘path’ integrals; compact QED.
Non-abelian lattice gauge theories:
non-abelian gauge symmetries and link variables; covariant lattice symmetries;
non-abelian plaquettes and tension fields; lattice YM action;
integrals over link variables and the lattice ‘path’ integrals;
brief history and applications of lattice QCD.
- April 8 (Thursday):
- Quantizing the Yang–Mills theory:
fixing the non-abelian gauge symmetry; Faddeev–Popov ghost fields;
gauge-fixed YM Lagrangian.
QCD Feynman rules:
physical, ghost, gauge-fixing, and counter- terms in the Lagrangian;
propagators; physical vertices; counter-term vertices;
handling the color indices of quarks.
Started QCD Ward identities:
on-shell QCD Ward identities are weaker than in QED;
q+q̄→g+g example: 3 tree diagrams and
- April 9 (Friday):
- QCD Ward identities:
q+q̄→g+g example: the third diagram;
Ward identity holds for one longitudinal uark only;
two longitudinal quarks are canceled by the ghost antighost pair.
Introduction to BRST symmetry:
BRST transforms of QCD fields; nilpotency; BRST invariance of the net Lagrangian.
- April 13 (Tuesday):
- BRST symmetry:
nilpotency; BRST invariance of the net Lagrangian;
physical and unphysical quanta in the QCD Fock space and BRST cohomology;
reducing 1-particle states to physical particles; multi-particle physical states and the S-matrix;
BRST symmetries of the amplitudes and cancellation of unphysical processes.
Started QCD renormalizability:
renormalizability and the counterterm set; BRST and other manifest symmetries;
allowed counterterms and renormalizability.
- Extra lecture on April 14 (Wednesday):
- Wilson loops:
Abelian and non-abelian Wilson loops;
large loops and forces between probe particles;
non-abelian probe particles;
area law vs. perimeter law as test of confinement vs. deconfinement.
- April 15 (Thursday):
- QCD renormalizability:
modern approach; manifest symmetries; the bare Lagrangian;
Slavnov–Taylor identities for the QCD counterterms.
basic group theory — the Casimir and the index.
Renormalization of QCD:
counterterms and the beta-function;
calculating the one-loop δ2 for quarks;
calculating the one-loop δ1 for quarks —
the QED-like loop and the non-abelian loop (unfinished).
- April 16 (Friday):
- Renormalization of QCD —
finish calculating one-loop δ1 for the quarks;
calculate the one-loop δ3:
the quark loop; the gluon loop; the sideways gluon loop; the ghost loop;
- April 20 (Tuesday):
- Renormalization of gauge theories:
finish calculating the one-loop δ3 counterterm;
QCD beta function at one loop; generalizing to other gauge theories.
Introduction to axial anomaly:
axial symmetry of massless electrons; anomaly and its origin in the path integral measure;
would-be Ward identity and the hole in the argument.
- Extra lecture on April 21 (Wednesday):
- Grand Unification:
unifying the EM, weak, and strong interactions in a single non-abelian gauge group;
SU(5) example; multiplets of fermions; gauge couplings and Georgi–Quinn–Weinberg equations;
the doublet-triplet problem; baryon decay and other exotic processes.
- April 22 (Thursday):
- Axial Anomaly:
the diagrams, the naive cancelation, and the regulation problem;
Adler–Bardeen theorem; Pauli–Villars regulation of the anomaly.
- April 23 (Friday):
- Axial anomalies:
Calculating the regulated triangle diagrams;
axial anomaly in QCD.
- April 27 (Tuesday):
- More axial anomalies:
anomaly of the measure of the fermionic functional integral;
anomalies of generalized axial symmetries; η and π mesons in QCD.
Non-linear sigma models:
non-linear field spaces; NLΣM of the chiral symmetry breaking.
χSB in QCD context.
- Extra lecture on April 28 (Wednesday):
- Instantons:
topological index I[Aμ] and its quantization;
SE≥(8π2/g2)×∣I∣ and the topological sectors in the YM path integral;
't Hooft instantons and tunneling events; multiple instantons, cluster expansion, and the Θ angle.
- April 29 (Thursday):
- Non-linear sigma models of the chiral symmetry breaking:
vector and axial currents; QCD context;
weak decays of charged pions;
quark masses as perturbations; η and η' mesons.
- April 30 (Friday):
- QED anomaly of the axial isospin and the neutral pion decay.
Chiral U(1) gauge theories:
Weyl fermions and chiral currents; loops of Weyl fermions and the chiral anomaly;
net anomalies of global symmetries.
- May 4 (Tuesday):
- Global symmetries of chiral gauge theories:
trace formula for the anomaly; baryon and lepton number anomalies in the electroweak theory;
instantons and sphalerons; baryogenesys by leptogenesys in early Universe;
leptogenesys by our-of-equilibrium decays of sterile neutrinos.
Gauge anomalies: triangle anomaly in chiral QED and its effect on Ward identities.
- Extra lecture on May 5 (Wednesday):
- Instantons and fermions:
instantons and axial anomaly;
zero modes in instanton background; Atyah–Singer index theorem;
zero modes in fermionic integrals
chiral anomaly of the Θ angle;
Θ=Θ+phase(det(quark mass matrix));
the strong CP problem; neutron's electric dipole; Peccei–Quinn symmetry.
- May 6 (Thursday):
- Gauge anomalies: anomalous gauge variance of log(det(̸D));
anomaly in non-abelian chiral theories; Wess–Zumino consistency conditions;
anomaly coefficients Aabc and traces over chiral fermions.
Anomaly cancellation in chiral gauge theories:
checking anomaly cancellation in the Standard Model; importance of tr(Qel)=0;
in general gauge theories, massive fermions do not contribute to the anomaly.
- May 7 (Friday):
- Anomalies in general chiral gauge theories:
cubic Casimirs and cubic anomaly indices for simple gauge groups;
applications to Grand Unification;
briefly anomalies in other dimensions.
Give out the final exam.
Last Modified: May 17, 2021.
Vadim Kaplunovsky