Quantum Field Theory: Lecture Log
This is the lecture log for the Quantum Field Theory classes PHY 396 K and PHY 396 L
taught in 2024/25 by professor Vadim Kaplunovsky.
Most lectures should be video recorded and the records available on Canvas.
For the few lectures that did not get recorded because of technical glitches,
I shall scan the notes I have used in class and links the scans to
this page.
Last regular lecture.
QFT 1, Fall 2024 semester
- August 26 (Monday):
- Syllabus and admin:
course content, textbooks, prerequisites, homework, exams and grades, etc.
General introduction:
reasons for QFT; field-particle duality.
Lagrangian mechanics:
Lagrangian and action; least action principle; Euler–Lagrange equations;
multiple dynamical variables; counting the degrees of freedom.
Introduction to classical fields:
Definition of a classical field; Lagrangian density; Euler–Lagrange equations for fields;
Klein–Gordon example; multiple fields; complex fields;
Landau–Ginzburg example;
higher space derivatives and non-local Lagrangians for non-relativistic fields.
- August 28 (Wednesday):
- Finish Intro to classical fields:
Landau–Ginzburg example; higher space derivatives and non-local Lagrangians for non-relativistic fields.
Relativistic fields:
relativistic sign conventions; Einstein summation convention;
relativistic ℒ and field equations; Klein–Gordon example;
multiple scalar fields.
Relativistic electromagnetic fields:
the 4–tensor Fμν=−Fνμ and the
relativistic form of Maxwell equations;
the 4–vector potential Aμ and the gauge transforms;
the Lagrangian formulation;
current conservation and gauge invariance of the action;
counting the EM degrees of freedom.
Review of canonical quantization:
Canonical quantization v. functional quantization; Hamiltonian formalism in classical mechanics;
quantization, operators, and commutation relations; Poisson brackets and commutator brackets.
- September 2 (Monday):
- Labor Day holiday.
- September 4 (Wednesday):
- Introduction to quantum fields:
Hamiltonian formalism for the classical fields; quantum fields; equal-time commutation relations;
quantum Hamiltonian, Heisenberg equtions, and the quantum Klein-Gordon equation.
Quantum fields and particles:
expanding free relativistic scalar fields into modes;
creation and annihilation operators for a bunch of harmonic oscillators;
eigenstates of the free quantum field's Hamiltonian;
identifying the identical bosons; the Fock space;
Casimir effect (briefly).
- Extra lecture on September 6 (Friday):
- Seeing classical motion in quantum mechanics:
Stationary states smear motion; wave packets and their motion; coherent states of a harmonic oscillator.
Seeing classical fields in QFT:
free fields are sums of harmonic oscillators;
eigenstates show particles, coherent states show fields.
Bose–Einstent condensate:
the naive BEC ground state v. the coherent state;
classical Landau–Ginzburg theory and its ground state;
quantum corrections and the fluctuation spectrum.
- September 9 (Monday):
- General identical bosons:
bosonic Fock space and its occupation number basis;
creation and annihilation operators; wave-function language vs. Fock-space language;
one-body operators; two-body operators; non-relativistic quantum fields; “second quantization”.
Groups of rotation and of Lorentz symmetries.
Started Normalization of states and operators:
box and continuum normalizations; non-relativistic and relativistic normalization.
- September 11 (Wednesday):
- Relativistic normalization:
Lorentz-invariant measure on the mass shell;
relativistic normalization of states and operators.
Relativistic quantum fields:
Expanding a free time-dependent scalar field into products of plane waves and creation/annihilation operators;
massive vector field; charged scalar field and antiparticles; general free fields.
Intro to relativistic causality:
no superluminal particles or sigmals; signals in quantum mechanics:
sending a signal requires [M̂(t2),Ŝ(t1)]≠0;
QFT: local operators and relativistic causality.
More Relativistic causality:
local operator and fields; bosons, fermions, and measurable operators;
proof of relativistic causality for the free scalar field.
- September 16 (Monday):
- Finished Relativistic causality:
going forward and backward in time; causality for interacting fields.
tachyons in QM; tachyon field and vacuum instability;
interactions and scalar VEVs (vacuum expectation values);
no tachyons in the right vacuum state.
Feynman propagators:
why and how of time-ordering; defining the propagator; relation to D(x-y);
scalar propagator is a Green's function of the Kelin–Gordon equation;
Green's functions in momentum space; regulating the integral over the poles:
Feynman's choice and other types of Green's functions.
- September 18 (Wednesday):
- Feynman propagators as Green's functions:
evaluating the ∫dk0 integrals for the Feynman propagator
and for other kinds of Green's functions;
Feynman propagators for vector, spinor, etc., fields.
Symmetries of classical field theories:
symmetry groups; symmetries of field equations and symmetries of the action;
continuous and discrete symmetries;
internal and spacetime symmetries; global and local symmetries.
Symmetries in quantum mechanics:
representation by unitary operators; Schrödinger and Heisenberg pictures;
rorational symmetry and its generators; scalar and vector operators.
- Extra lecture on September 20 (Friday):
- Vortices and other kinds of topological defects:
domain walls as topological defects; co-dimension; rotation and vorices in the superfluid;
vortex energy; vortex rings and the critical velocity of the superflow;
vortices as topological defects of co-dimension=2;
magnetic monopoles as topological defects (co-dimension=3);
(briefly) Yang–Mills instantons.
- September 23 (Monday):
- Intro to Lie groups and Lie algebras:
SO(3) example: generators and generator algebra; multiple commutator formula and finite rotations;
representations of the algebra and of the group;
general Lie groups and Lie algebras of their generators;
representations of general groups and algebras.
Noether theorem:
Global continuous symmetries and conserved currents; generators and currents for the SO(N) example;
symmetry charges in the quantum theory; representation of the SO(N) symmetry in the Fock space;
the phase symmetry and the net number of particles minus antiparticles;
proof of the theorem; examples of Noether currents;
translation symmetry and the stress-energy tensor.
symmetrizing the Noether stress-energy tensor for non-scalar fields.
Started Local phase symmetry:
local symmetry and covariant derivatives; gauge field and gauge transforms;
coupling charged scalar fields to electromagnetism.
- September 25 (Wednesday):
- Local phase symmetry:
algebra of covariant derivatives; covariant field equations;
Aharonov–Bohm effect:
covariant Schrödinger equation for a charged quantum particle;
gauge dependence of evolution kernels;
Aharonov–Bohm effect; cohomology of the vector potential;
charge quantization and the compactness of the U(1) phase symmetry.
Magnetic monopoles:
electric-magnetic duality; magnetic monopoles; Dirac's charge quantization;
Heuristic picture; Dirac construction; gauge bundles;
electric-magnetic duality in QFT.
- September 30 (Monday):
- Finish magnetic monopoles:
angular momentum in presence of a monopole;
spin-statistics theorem for dyons.
Non-abelian local symmetries:
Covariant derivatives and matrix-valued connections; non-abelian gauge transforms;
Gell-Mann matrices and the component gauge fields; infinitesimal gauge transforms in components;
non-abelian tension fields; gauge transforms of the tension fields; the adjoint multiplet;
Yang–Mills theory and normalization of the gauge fields; gauge theories with matter.
Simple and compact Lie groups and their Lie algebras.
- October 2 (Wednesday):
- General gauge theories:
Lie-algebra-valued gauge fields and gauge invariant Lagrangians;
multiplets, representations, and matter fields.
covariant derivatives for general multiplets; the adjoint multiplet;
multiple gauge groups; Standard Model example.
Lorentz symmetry:
generators and representations; unitary but infinite particle representations;
little groups and Wigner theorem; massive particles have definite spins;
massless particles have definite helicities; tachyons have nothing.
- Extra lecture on October 4 (Friday):
- Conformal symmetry:
definition; complex language in Euclidean 2D; conformal symmetry group and its generators;
conformal algebra in d>2 dimensions, Euclidean or Minkowski.
Conformal field theories and their application:
world-sheet QFT in string theory; condenced matter at a critical point;
conformal window of QCD; AdS/CFT duality.
- October 7 (Monday):
- Lorentz symmetry:
Wigner theorem in d≠4 dimensions; Lorentz multiplets of fields;
(j+,j−) multiplets;
Weyl spinors and Spin(3,1)=SL(2,C); vectors and bispinors; tensors.
Dirac spinors and spinor fields:
Dirac spinor representation of the Lorentz symmetry; Dirac equation and its covariance;
Dirac conjugation and Dirac Lagrangian; Hamiltonian for the quantum Dirac field.
- October 9 (Wednesday):
- Grassmann numbers and classical limits of fermionic fields.
Fermionic algebra and Fock space:
Hilbert stace of one fermionic mode; multiple modes;
fermionic fock space; wave functions and operators; particles and holes;
holes as quasiparticles; Fermi sea, extra particles and holes.
Relativistic electrons and positrons:
Naive diagonalization of the Dirac Hamiltonian;
positrons as holes in the Dirac sea;
expanding the Dirac fields into creation and annihilation operators.
- October 14 (Monday):
- Energy and charge of the Dirac sea.
Chiral symmetries:
vector and axial symmetries of a massless fermion; Weyl fermions and chiral symmetries;
U(N)L⊗U(N)R symmetry of N massless fermions;
chiral symmetry in QCD; chiral gauge theories; electroweak example.
- October 16 (Wednesday):
- charge conjugation symmetry:
neutral particles and C–parity; Majorana fermions.
Dirac, Majorana, and Weyl fermions:
counting degrees of freedom; relations between Majorana and Weyl fermions;
Majorana mass term; massless and massive neutrinos.
Gave out the midterm exam.
- October 21 (Monday):
- Parity and other discrete symmetries:
parity; CP; time reversal (briefly); CPT theorem; baryogenesys and Sakharov's criteria.
Relativistic causality for the fermions:
commuting and anticommuting fields; checking anticommutativity of free Dirac fields at spacelike separation;
spin-statistics theorem.
Feynman propagator for Dirac fermions.
- October 23 (Wednesday):
- Perturbation theory in QFT and Feynman diagrams:
the interaction picture of QM, the Dyson series, and the time-ordering;
the S matrix and its elements; vacuum sandwiches of field products; diagramatics;
combinatorics of similar terms; coordinate space Feynman rules; vacuum bubbles and their cancellation;
momentum space Feynman rules; momentum conservation and connected diagrams; scattering amplidudes.
Collected the midterm exam.
- Extra lecture on October 25 (Friday):
- Fermionic fields in different spacetime dimensions:
Dirac spinor fields; mass breaks parity in odd d;
Weyl spinor fields in even d only; LH and RH Weyl spinors;
Majorana spinor fields in d≡0,1,2,3,4 (mod 8) only;
Majorana–Weyl spinors in d≡2 (mod 8);
complex, real, and pseudoreal representation;
Bott periodicity for spinors of SO+(a,b).
- October 28 (Monday):
- Golden Rule and the phase-space factors:
Fermi's Golden Rule for transitions — derivation and an example;
going beyond the first order; decay rate — the matrix element and the phase space factors;
scattering of relativistic particles; calculating the phase space factors for the
2→2 scattering and 1→2 decays;
leading order cross-section in the λΦ4 theory.
Loop counting in perturbation theory:
λΦ4 theory; adding a cubic coupling.
Mandelstam's S, T, and U parameters.
- October 30 (Wednesday):
- Feynman rules for multiple scalar fields.
Dimensional analysis:
dimensions of fields and couplings; trouble with δ<0 couplings;
types of δ≥0 couplings in 4D; other dimensions.
Intro to Quantum Electro Dynamics (QED):
quantizing the EM fields; need to fix a gauge; photon propagator in the Coulomb gauge;
propagators in other gauges; Landau and Feynman gauges.
- Likbez lecture on November 1 (Friday):
- Potential scattering in Quantum Mechanics:
Scattering wave functions; Lippmann–Schwinger series; Born approximation;
T(E) and S-matrix; phase shifts; calculating the phase shifts;
small hard sphere example.
- November 4 (Monday):
- QED Feynman rules:
propagators and vertices; external line factors; Dirac indexology; Gordon identities; sign rules.
Coulomb scattering in QED:
diagrams and amplitudes; non-relativistic limit; recovering the Coulomb potential;
electron-electron vs. electron-positron Coulomb scattering.
Yukawa theory (briefly):
Yukawa theory and its Feynman rules; non-relativistic fermion scattering; Yukawa potential.
Dirac Trace techniques:
muon pair production example; polarized and un-polarized cross-sections;
spin summed/averaged |M|2;
relation to traces over Dirac indices; techniques for calculating the Dirac traces;
traces for the muon pair production.
- November 6 (Wednesday):
- Muon pair production in electron-positron collisions:
calculating the traces; summing over the Lorentz indices;
the partial cross-section and its angular dependence;
the total cross-section and its energy dependence.
Hadronic production e−+e+→hadrons:
quark pair production and jets; the R ratio; QCD corrections.
Review traceology in homework#10.
Ward Identities:
Ward identities for photons and gauge invariance of the amplitudes; sums over photon polarizations.
Begin annihilation,
the tree-level amplitude; checking the Ward identities.
- Extra lecture on November 8 (Friday):
- Resonances and unstable particles:
Breit–Wigner resonances in QM; resonances in QFT and unstable particles;
making a resonance in a collision; cross-sections and branching ratios;
quarkonia as resonaces in electron-positron collisions;
calculating σ(e−+e+→J/ψ).
- November 11 (Monday):
- Annihilation,
tree-level amplitude; checking the Ward identities;
summing over the photons' polarizations and averaging over the fermions' spins;
Dirac traceology; summary and annihilation kinematics; annihilation cross-section.
Crossing symmetry:
muon pair production vs. electron-muon scattering;
comparing spin-summed |M|2;
comparing the ampitudes in the ultra-relativistic regime; analytically continuing the amplitudes;
crossing symmetry in general; signs for crossed fermions;
Compton vs. annihilation example.
Compton scattering:
crossing relation to the annihilation; kinematics in the lab frame; Compton formula;
phase space in the lab frame; Klein–Nishina cross-section.
- November 13 (Wednesday):
- Finished Compton scattering:
phase space in the lab frame.
Spontaneous symmetry breaking:
symmetric Lagrangian/Hamiltonian but asymmetric vacuum state;
tunneling vs. cluster expansion in QM and in QFT; dimension dependence.
Spontaneous breaking of continuous symmetries:
continuous families of degenerate vacua and massless particles;
complex field example; linear sigma model; Wigner and Goldstone modes of symmetries;
Goldstone–Nambu theorem and Goldstone bosons;
partial breaking of symmetry groups.
- November 18 (Monday):
- Pions in QCD:
spontaneous breakdown of approximate symmetries; pseudo-Goldstone bosons;
approximate chiral SU(2)L⊗SU(R)L symmetry of QCD
and its spontaneous breakdown to the SU(2)V isospin;
pions as pseudo-Goldstone bosons.
Abelian Higgs mechanism:
SSB of a local U(1) symmetry; massive photon ‘eats’ the would-be Goldstone boson;
unitary gauge vs. gauge-invariant description;
Meissner effect in superconductors as non-relativistic Higgs Mechanism;
massive photon's propagator in unitary and Rξ gauges.
Non-Abelian Higgs mechanism
SU(2) with a Higgs doublet; SU(2) with a real Higgs triplet;
started vector masses for general case.
- November 20 (Wednesday):
- More Higgs mechanism:
general formulae for the vector masses;
massive photon's propagator in unitary and Rξ gauges;
mixed local/global symmetries.
Bosons of the Glashow–Weinberg–Salam theory:
the bosonic fields and the Higgs mechanism; the unbroken electric charge Q=T3+Y;
masses of the vector fields and the Weinberg's mixing angle;
charged and neutral weak currents; Fermi's effective theory of weak interactions.
- Extra lecture on November 22 (Friday):
- SSB of QCD's chiral symmetry and sigma models:
Approximate chiral symmetry of QCD and its spontaneous breakdown (χSB);
pions as pseudo-Goldstone bosons; the linear sigma model of χSB;
the non-linear sigma model; general NLΣMs (briefly).
- November 25–29 (whole week):
- Fall break, no classes.
- December 2 (Monday):
- Fermions of the Glashow–Weinberg–Salam theory:
SU(2)×U(1) quantum numbers and electric charges of quarks and leptons;
Yukawa couplings to scalar VEVs and fermion masses; masses of quarks and leptons;
charged and neutral weak currents of quarks and leptons.
Introduction to CKM matrix:
Cabibbo mixing and Kaon decays; GIM mechanism and the charm quark;
third family and the CKM matrix.
- December 4 (Wednesday):
- Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa (CKM) matrix and its origin:
third family and the CKM matrix; neutral and charged weak currents;
flavor-changing weak decays;
unitary basis redefinitions for each type of a fermion multiplet; matrices of Yukawa couplings;
mass matrices for Weyl fermions; diagonalizing the mass matrices and forming the Dirac fermions;
basis mismatch for charge +2/3 and charge −1/3 quarks and the Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa (CKM) matrix.
Neutral Kaons:
GIM box and K0↔K0 mixing;
K-long and K-short; CP eigenstates K1 and K2, and their decays to pions;
K-short regeneration; semi-leptonic decays of neutral kaons;
strangeness oscillations; the CPLEAR experiment.
Introduction to CP violation:
CPV in neutral kaon decays to pions;
CPV in eigenstates and in decay rates;
CPV in semi-leptonic decays.
- Extra lecture on December 6 (Friday):
- Making magnetic monopoles from non-abelian gauge and Higgs fields:
Georgi–Glashow model; ‘hedgegog’ configuration of the Higgs and gauge fields;
magnetic charge; multi-monopole solutions; Bogomol'nyj bound for the monopole mass;
monopoles and the topology of the G/H vacuum space; no monopoles from the Glashow–Weinberg–Salam theory;
monoploles from Grand unifications; magnetic and chromomagnetic charges of monopoles.
- December 9 (Monday):
- CKM origin of CP violation:
CP action on W± and on leptonic charge currents;
CP of hadronic charge currents and CKM↔CKM*; removable and unremovable CKM phases;
Jarlskog invariant; calculating M(K0↔K‾0)
and its imaginary part; maybe strong CP violation.
Neutrino masses:
neutrino masses and oscillations; Dirac vs. Majorana masses of neutrinos; seesaw mechanism.
Gave out the final exam.
QFT 2, Spring 2024 semester
- January 13 (Monday):
- Syllabus of the Spring semester (briefly).
Loop diagrams: amputating the external leg bubbles.
Calculating a one-loop amplitude:
the diagrams; Feynman trick for denominators; Wick rotation to the Euclidean momentum space.
UV cutoff, long-distance effective field theories, and renormalization:
UV divergence of the loop integral; effective long-distance / low-energy field theories;
UV cutoff in condensed matter and in relativistic QFTs; bare and physical couplings;
net one-loop amplitude in λΦ4 theory;
bare and physical couplings at higher loop orders.
Started Overview of UV regulators:
Wilson's hard edge cutoff.
- January 15 (Wednesday):
- Overview of UV regulators:
Pauli–Villars; higher derivatives; covariant higher derivatives; lattice (very briefly).
Dimensional regularization:
basics; momentum integrals in non-integral dimensions; d→4 limit;
(1/ε) as log(ΛUV).
Quick overview of scattering in QM:
partial wave analysis and optical theorem.
optical theorem in QFT:
statement and proof from unitarity of the S matrix;
application to the Im M1 loop in the λφ4 theory.
- Extra lecture on January 17 (Friday):
- Grand Unification (I):
unifying the EM, weak, and strong interactions in a single non-abelian gauge group;
SU(5) example; multiplets of fermions; gauge couplings and Georgi–Quinn–Weinberg equations.
- January 22 (Wednesday):
- Optical theorem:
Cutkosky's cutting rules.
Correlation functions of quantum fields:
correlation functions; relation to the free fields and evolution operators;
Feynman rules; connected correlation functions.
The two-point correlation function:
Källén–Lehmann spectral representation; features of the spectral density function;
analytic two-point function F2(p2):
poles and particles; pole mass = physical particle mass.
- Plan for January 27 (Monday):
- The two-point correlation function:
branch cuts and the multi-particle continuum;
physical and un-physical sheets of the Riemann surface; resonances.
Perturbation theory for the two-point function:
resumming the 1PI bubbles;
Σ(p2) and the renormalization of the mass and of the field strength;
optical theorem for the unstable particles;
mass renormalization in the λφ4 theory; fine tuning problem.
Quadratic UV divergences:
regulator dependence; dimensional regularization of quadratic divergences.
Field strength renormalization in the Yukawa theory:
calculating the one-loop diagram: the trace, the denominator and the numerator, Wick rotation;
the UV divergence structure:
+finite_f(p2); calculating the Σ(p2);
dΣ/dp2 and the scalar field strength renormalization;
- Tentative plan for January 29 (Wednesday):
- Lehmann–Symanzik–Zimmermann reduction formula:
n-point correlators Fn(p1,…pn)
and their poles at on-shell momenta; LSZ reduction formula for the common residue;
the Feynman diagram explanation of the poles; the amputated diagrams and the scattering amplitudes.
Deriving the LSZ reduction formula:
The x0i→±∞ limits in the coordinate space leading to the on-shell poles
in the momentum space; residues and matrix elements of fewer fields;
multiple poles and asymptotic |in〉 and 〈out| states; the physical S-matrix elements 〈out|S|in〉.
Maybe begin the counterterm perturbation theory:
Feynman rules for the counterterms;
adjusting δZ, δm, and δλ
order by order in λ.
- Tentative plan for the
Extra lecture on January 31 (Friday):
- Grand Unification (II):
proton decay; fermion masses and GUT multiplet(s) for the SM Higgs; double-triplet problem;
issues in SUSY GUTs.
Last Modified: January 22, 2025.
Vadim Kaplunovsky