Quantum Field Theory

Class of Dr. Kaplunovsky

Homeworks, Tests, and Supplementary Notes

Fall semester; Spring semester.

All assignments and solutions linked to this page are in TeX-generated PDF format.

Fall 2008, QFT 1 (PHY 396 K class)


  1. Set 1, due September 11; solutions.
  2. Set 2, due September 18; solutions.
  3. Set 3, due September 25; solutions.
  4. Set 4, due October 2; solutions.
  5. Set 5, due October 9; solutions.
  6. Set 6, due October 16; solutions to problems 1, 2, and 3; problem 4 is extended until October 23.
  7. Set 7, due October 23; solutions.
    If you need mathematical help with the saddle point method, read my notes.
  8. Set 8, due October 30; solutions.
  9. Set 9, due November 13; solutions.
  10. Set 10, due November 20; solutions.
  11. Set 11: Problems 4.2 and 4.3 (parts a, b, c only) of the Peskin & Schroeder textbook, due November 25; solutions.
  12. Set 12, due December 4; solutions.
    Note: students who missed the 11/26 lecture should read my lecture notes.


Supplementary Notes

Spring 2009, QFT 2 (396 L class)


  1. Set 13, due February 5; solutions.
  2. In lieu of set 14, a reading assignment:
    1. The LSZ reduction formula, §7.2 of Peskin & Schoeder.
    2. Optical theorem for Feynman diagrams, §7.3 of Peskin & Schoeder.
  3. Set 15, due February 19; solutions.
  4. Set 16, due February 26, a reading assignment and an easy exercise:
    1. Study the two-loop example of nested divergences in §10.5 of the Peskin & Schroeder textbook. Please read carefully, it's a hard calculation.
    2. Solve texbook problem 10.2, part (a); solutions.
  5. Set 17, due March 5; solutions.
  6. Set 18, due March 12; solutions.
  7. Set 19, due March 26; solutions.
  8. Set 20, includes two problems and a reading assignment, due April 2; solutions.
  9. Set 21: Problems 9.2 and 11.1 of the Peskin & Schroeder textbook, due April 16; solutions.
    Note: parts (a) and (b) of problem 9.2 are solved in detail in this note.
    In problem 11.1, interpret the final result in terms of spontaneous symmetry breaking being impossible in d≤2 spacetime dimensions.
  10. Set 22, due April 23; solutions.
  11. In lieu of set 23, several reading assignments, due April 30:
    1. Study the QCD loop diagrams in §16.5 of Peskin & Schroeder. Make sure you undersdand all aspects of the calculations.
    2. Read §16.7 of Peskin & Schroeder about `magnetic anti-screening' explanation of the asymptotic freedom.
    3. Read §19.3 of Peskin & Schroeder about chiral symmetry of QCD and pions. Chapter 19 of Weinberg has a deeper discussion of pions (and Goldstone bosons in general); you are advised to read it, but not necesserely this week.
    4. Read the discussion of chiral anomalies in §22.2-3 of Weinberg.
  12. Set 24, due May 7; solutions .


Supplementary Notes

Recommended Reading

Last Modified: May 12, 2009.
Vadim Kaplunovsky